关键词 > ECON2002

Economics 2B, ECON2002


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Course: Economics 2B, ECON2002

Submission Deadline: 1200 Noon on Thursday 2d of March 2023

Essay Question:

Using the IS-LM-PC model in your analysis, evaluate UK macroeconomic policy responses to a Covid-19 shock, that happened in Spring 2020.

Hint. Once you understand the nature of pandemic shocks in the IS-LM-PC model, it will be easy to see what the policy should do. Then see what has been done and make conclusions.

Instructions to Students

• Submit your assignment according to the submission instructions in the assessment section on Moodle.

Please note that this assignment will be screened for plagiarism.

• Word Limit 1000 words:  ‐ Excludes references, bibliography, graphs and tables   ‐ Word limit must be strictly adhered to.

• Font size: Size 12, Arial/Calibri/Times New Roman

Spacing 1.5

Margins: Normal (2.54cm)

Assignment Marking Criteria

The theory which we learned in the course should be made relevant to your answer.

As it is a ‘briefing note’, you do not need to elaborate a long introduction or summarise long conclusions.

Use your own words.

Please use graphs and/or tables to support your arguments. You are welcome to draw diagrams and sketch graphs, but they should be clear and readable.

Attribute the ideas you use to the rightful owners by means of referencing (if you use somebody     else’s idea and do not attribute it, it is plagiarism). Referring to lecture notes is not a good idea: use original authors instead. Full details for all in‐text references should be given in a bibliography.

Make sure that you understand what plagiarism is and know how to avoid it. Information on plagiarism can be found in the Undergraduate Handbook.

Example of references:

Smith (2009) has shown that … Bank of England (2019) discuss that…


John Smith (2009), Title, Journal name, Issue, pages.

John Smith (2009), Book name, pages.

Bank of England (2019), Title, available atwww.bankofengland.co.uk/restofthelink

You are welcome to use any style for references as soon as your reader will be able to find the document you are referencing.