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PHIL 120 Assignment 1 Winter 2023


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PHIL 120

Assignment 1

Winter 2023

There are 10 questions in this assignment, and each is worth 0.5 points. Together they amount to 5 points. In  Question II the points are broken down into  two 0.25 points parts: 0.25 points assigned for the correct answer and 0.25 points for a proper explanation. Type your answers in the designated place in eClass, and then submit them. You can re-write your answers as many times as you like, but once you have submitted your answers,you cannot change them anymore. This assignment

is worth 5% of the final grade.

Please keep in mind:

1.   You should type your answers in the designated place in eClass. Unfortunately, not attachment or any other format is acceptable.

2.   You should type down your answers directly in eClass. If you type them down in another software and then copy-paste them in eClass, the symbols and some other items might change. It is your responsibility to make sure that your answers are readable in eClass.

3.   Regarding the five connectives ofTFL: All the symbols are available in eClass. You should click on show/hide advanced buttons”, and when you see all the buttons, you should click on “insert character” . You can find all the characters you need over there. Again: Do not copy- paste symbols from another document.

4.   Do not forget to submit your assignment after you are done with typing down your answers. If you do not submit your assignment, it remains as a draft. Drafts are not marked.

5.   Please number your answers so we can recognize which answer belongs to which question.


I. Symbolize 1-5 English sentences into TFL, using the following symbolization key. (0.5 point each)

A: Adam goes\will go to the hockey game.

B: Betty goes\will go to the hockey game.

C: Carol goes\will go to the hockey game.

D: Daniel goes\will go to the hockey game.

1. Provided that Betty does not go to the hockey game, Adam and Carol will go to the hockey game

¬B  (A Λ C)

2. Not both Adam and Betty are going to the hockey game if Carol is going to the hockey game

C → ¬(A Λ B)

3. Daniel and Betty go to the hockey game. However, Adam goes to the hockey game if and only if Carol goes to the hockey game

(D Λ B) Λ (A ↔ C)

4. Either Carol goes to the hockey game or Daniel goes to the hockey game, but both Adam and Betty go to the hockey game only if Carol goes to the hockey game

(C V D) Λ ((A Λ B) → C)

5. Someone between Adam, Betty, Carol, and Daniel will go to the hockey game, but not all of them

((A V B) V (C V D)) Λ ¬((A Λ B) Λ (C Λ D))

II. In each of the following three expressions, determine whether it is a sentence of TFL or not. (0.5 point each)

6.  [G (¬¬L ∨ (D ∨ ¬C))] ↔ [(C ↔ (H ∧ ¬D)) ↔ R] Yes. There is an even number of parentheses, all open parentheses are closed and contain a compound sentence of TFL. The left side of the double implication is [G → (¬¬L ∨ (D ∨ ¬C))], the right side is [(C ↔ (H ∧ ¬D)) ↔ R].

7.  [(G → (¬¬L ∨ (∨ D ∨ ¬C))) ↔ C] ↔ [(C ∧ ¬D) ↔ R] No. There is an even number of parentheses, all open parentheses are closed and contain a compound sentence of TFL. The left side of the double implication is [(G → (¬¬L ∨ (D ∨ ¬C))) ↔ C], and the right side is [(C ↔ (H ∧  ¬D)) ↔ R]. Yet, "V D V" is not grammatical.

8.  (G → ¬(¬L (D ¬C))) ↔ ((C ↔ (H ¬D)) ↔ R)) No. There is an extra parenthesis after R.

III. In each of the following two sentences, find the main connective. (0.5 point each)

9. [((E ↔ (¬B ∨ (D → ¬C))) ∨ C) → ((C ∧ ¬D) ↔ A)]

10. ¬ ((E ↔ ¬(¬¬B ∨ D)) ∧ (¬(¬C C) → ((C ∧ ¬D) ↔ A)))