关键词 > MATH322

MATH 322, Spring 2023


Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: daixieit

MATH 322, Spring 2023

(this is a preliminary syllabus, when further changes are made, those will be announced in class and on the course webpage).

Instructor: Julia Dobrosotskaya

email: [email protected]

oce: Yost 227

Class webpage: CWRU Canvas (https://canvas.case.edu/courses/35880). This should be your main source of reference (additionally, SIS contains the latest updates about the date, time and place of the nal)

Class schedule:  Monday, Wednesday

12:45 pm - 2 pm in Nord 204

2:15 pm - 3:30 pm in Sears 548

Oce Hours: (tentatively!) Tue, Thur 1-2

(or by appointment - please, email me)


Elementary Real Analysis, B. S. Thomson, A. M. Bruckner, and J. B. Bruckner

We will cover chapters 8-13 with a few omissions and extra pieces.  The book is available for free

download at http://classicalrealanalysis.info/documents/TBB-AllChapters-Landscape.pdf Walter Rudin ”Principles of Mathematical Analysis” (optional)

Exams:  there will be two midterms and a nal exam in this course.  The test dates will be tentatively planned for 2/27 and 4/17.

Class work and homeworks: the due dates and the assigned problems will appear on Blackboard (normally, the homework is due once a week, on Wednesday, in class).

Grading: The total grade in this course will be based on your cumulative performance:  midterms = 40%, final = 30%, homework and quizzes = 30%.  Two lowest homework scores and 1/2 of the lowest midterm score will be dropped.

The letter grades will not be lower than: A > 90% > B > 80% > C > 70% > D > 60%.

Attendance and absences You are responsible for the material covered in class, whether you at-      tend or not. You are also responsible for the announcements made during class; they may include changes      in the syllabus. The instructor will adhere strictly to the official university policy on makeup exams (https://      bulletin.case.edu/undergraduate-studies/academic-policies-procedures/academic-policies-procedures.pdf). No- tices regarding any foreseeable absences(in the context of remote delivery - not being able to take a quiz,      a test or submit an assignment online) must be given to the instructor well in advance.

Academic integrity All students must adhere to the CWRU academic integrity policies https://caseedu/ugstudies/academic-policies/academic-integrity.

Peer Tutoring  A department tutor is available for 5 hours a week (see schedule on Canvas).

OATS If you have special educational needs, please, consult the Office of Accommodated Testing and Services (https://case.edu/studentlife/accommodatedtesting/).

Lecture outline

will be posted shortly

Week 1 starts with Chapter 8.