关键词 > ECMT1020

ECMT1020 Introduction to Econometrics


Semester 1, 2021

ECMT1020 Introduction to Econometrics


Due: 11.59PM Friday 4 June 2021

Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism

Academic honesty is a core value of the University, so all students are required to act honestly, ethically and with integrity. This means that the University is opposed to and will not tolerate academic dishonesty or plagiarism, and will treat all allegations of academic dishonesty and plagiarism seriously. The consequences of engaging in plagiarism and academic dishonesty, along with the process by which they are determined and applied, are set out in the Academic Honesty in Coursework Policy 2015.


1. There are 10 questions in this assignment each worth 3 marks. The assignment has a maximum of 30 marks and accounts for 15% of your final grade.

2. This assignment entails the use of econometric models and statistical tools in eco-nomic application. You will use statistical software, Stata, to analyze the educational attainment and wage equations data.

3. Your assigned data set is the Excel spreadsheet EAWE#.xlsx, where # is the last digit of your University of Sydney SID. Please use your assigned data set to answer the questions. Write your data set number on the front page of your work. Using the wrong data set will be reviewed as a potential case of Academic Dishonesty.

4. Answer all the questions. Show all numerical answers to 3 decimal places. Carry out all tests using a 5% level of significance. You may include Stata outputs in your answers, but your own interpretations and explanations are necessary for earning marks.

5. When answering the questions, please keep your statements concise as well as accu-rate. Excessively long responses indicate a lack of understanding and will be penalized accordingly.

6. The assignment is anonymously marked. Save your answers in a pdf file2 named 123456789.pdf where 123456789 is your 9-digit SID. Do NOT put your name in your work or anywhere in your submission. Do NOT include a cover sheet.

7. Submit the pdf file through Turnitin under the Canvas module ‘Assignment’. Late submission is subject to a penalty of 5% per calendar day. Work submitted more than 10 days after the due date will receive a mark of zero.

Data Description

You will use a subset consisting of 500 observations of Educational Attainment and Wage Equations (EAWE) data set to answer the questions. The description of the data set and contained variables can be found in Appendix B on p.565–569 of the textbook (also provided in a separate pdf file).


1. Fit an educational attainment function using your data set. Regress S on ASVABC, SM and SF, and interpret the regression results. Perform t tests on the coefficients of the variables in the education attainment function.

2. Perform a F test of the explanatory power of the equation you obtained in Question 1. Calculate the F statistic using R2 and verify it is the same as the F statistic in your Stata output.

3. Regress the logarithm of EARNINGS on S and EXP. Interpret the regression results, perform t tests on the coefficients and test of the explanatory power of the model.

4. Regress logarithm of EARNINGS on S, EXP, MALE, ETHHISP and ETHBLACK. Interpret the regression results and perform t tests on the coefficients. Are earnings subject to ethnic discrimination?

5. Redo Question 4 making ETHBLACK the reference category. What are the impacts of change of reference on the interpretation of the coefficients and the statistical tests (t tests of the coefficients and F test of the model)?

6. Define a slope dummy variable as the product of MALE and S. Regress the logarithm of EARNINGS on S, EXP, ETHHISP, ETHBLACK, MALE, and the slope dummy variable. Interpret the equation and perform appropriate statistical tests (t tests of the coefficients and F test of the model). Is the effect of education on earnings different for males and females?

7. The composite measure of cognitive ability, ASVABC, in the data set was constructed as a weighted average of the scores of tests of arithmetic reasoning, ASVABAR, word knowledge, ASVABWK, and paragraph comprehension, ASVABPC, with ASVABAR being given double weight. Show mathematically that, when fitting the educational attainment function

S = β1 + β2SM + β3SF + β4ASVABC + u

instead of the model using the individual scores

S = β1 + β2SM + β3SF + γ1ASVABAR + γ2ASVABWK + γ3ASVABPC + u,

one is implicitly imposing the restrictions γ1 = 2γ2 and γ1 = 2γ3. Perform a test of these restrictions using your data set.

8. Fit a wage equation with EARNINGS as the dependent variable and S, EXP and MALE as the explanatory variables. Perform a Goldfeld-Quandt test for heteroskedas-ticity in the S dimension.

9. Fit a wage equation using the same specification as in Question 8. Perform a White test for heteroskedasticity.

10. Perform an OLS regression of the logarithm of hourly earnings on S, EXP, ASVABC, MALE, ETHBLACK and ETHHISP using your data set and an IV regression using SM, SF, and SIBLINGS as instruments for ASVABC. Perform a Durbin-Wu-Hausman test to evaluate whether ASVABC appears to be subject to measurement error.