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MET AD 856 Assignment 2


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MET AD 856 Assignment 2

Theoretical Model

Customer purchasing choices are determined by different factors that determine the suitability of the products. Some factors that may affect purchasing choices could be demographic characteristics of customers, like age, gender, and income (Dangi et al., 2020). Other factors could be brand reputation and the characteristics of products like price, color, and size available (Agmeka et al., 2019). In addition, the presence of competitors in the market will affect customer purchasing behaviors (Ali Taha et al., 2021). This will promote a large pool of commodities to be available in the market to avoid a monopoly reputation where there is overpricing.

Market Research Design

The study will explore the factors affecting the purchasing behaviors of non-professional sporting personalities for Nike products using qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. In addition, the approach will target to determine customers' views towards Nike products.

The qualitative research will focus on gathering data about the willingness of customers to purchase Nike products in a market with many competitors. A structured research questionnaire, combining qualitative and quantitative questions, will be developed to search for data about the willingness of customers to purchase Nike products. A Likert scale will be developed for qualitative study questions (Naim & Khan, 2021). The Likert scale for qualitative research will range from one to five, with one indicating the least willing and five indicating the strongest will to purchase. On its part, quantitative data collection will involve collecting data about the number of Nike products and the frequency of the purchases that non-sporting customers have. Multistage random sampling will be used to identify the store and customers who will participate in the research. In selecting the participants, those participating in professional sports will be excluded from the study. A sample of 60 adults will be used for the study requested. The face-to-face administration of questionnaires will be used to enhance the high response rate. The data will be analyzed after the collection has been collected from a random sample of 60 participants near Nike shops in New York City.

Market Research Questions

The primary purpose of this market research is versed in Nike's need to increase its market share amid stiff competition from competitors in the athletic footwear industry. The following research questions could be utilized to attain the objectives of solving that marketing research problem:

● What contemporary market expansion tactics could Nike use to raise its market share?

● What are the critical challenges that ought to be overcome to increase the market share in the athletic footwear industry successfully?

● What are the factors that influence consumers, attitudes, needs, and preferences towards athlete footwear products?

● What are the obstacles to innovation in various market segments?

Data Collection

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research could be acknowledged as an information-gathering process that entails conversing directly with company stakeholders and target customers. That goes a long way in creating a better understanding of the market research problem. Generally, that comprises a group of participants brought together to deliberate the problem under the researcher's guidance.

For this research, NIKE could recruit group participants from the local community, the employees, and athletes and guide them in reviewing the brand. The interviewer will prepare a list of issues and use it as a prompt during the session. The listed issues shall revolve around the market research questions highlighted above. Subsequently, the interviewer shall prepare a detailed report at the end of the process. The report shall be founded on a review of video or audio recordings made during the group sessions.

Quantitative Research

Quantitative research entails collecting and analyzing numerical data. That is done by conducting surveys on the population through various means, such as face-to-face interviews with athletes and general customers and an email survey with existing customers.

Face-to-face Interviews with Athletes

A survey can be conducted on athletes associated with the company. Therefore, a sample size of 40 athletes can be drawn from the population of football and basketball persons. The interviews can be face-to-face and conducted using questionnaires. The participants can be conducted through phone calls to alert them. This questionnaire should constitute 5-8 questions about footwear, comfort, and design preferences. Moreover, an analysis would be conducted and the results would provide an understanding of the respondent’s preferences.

Face-to-face interviews with general customers

A survey should be carried out on customers within the vicinity of various underperforming Nike stores across the U.S. Hence, a sample size of 50 respondents would be interviewed through door-to-door interaction. Also, a questionnaire about their purchasing and preference patterns would be availed to assist the researcher. This data would be analyzed and the results are anticipated to help in reflecting the inadequacies of Nike products.

Email Survey with Prevailing Customers

The researcher will take a sample of 50 existing customers whose contact details are recorded on Nike’s information system and send them a questionnaire through electronic mail. Subsequently, the data collected through the survey would then be analyzed, and outcomes used to determine the exact consumer attitudes, needs and preferences that influence Nike’s market share.


Agmeka, F., Wathoni, R. N., & Santoso, A. S. (2019). The influence of discount framing towards brand reputation and brand image on purchase intention and actual behaviour in e-commerce. Procedia Computer Science, 161, 851-858.

Ali Taha, V., Pencarelli, T., Škerháková, V., Fedorko, R., & Košíková, M. (2021). The use of social media and its impact on the shopping behavior of Slovak and Italian consumers during COVID-19 pandemic. Sustainability, 13(4), 1710.

Dangi, N., Gupta, S. K., & Narula, S. A. (2020). Consumer buying behaviour and purchase intention of organic food: A conceptual framework. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 31(6), 1515-1530.

Naim, A., & Khan, M. F. (2021). Measuring the Psychological Behavior of Consumers for Medical Services. Zien Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2, 119-131.