关键词 > MATH-GA_2800



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Homework #2 – Construct Risk Premia Strategies

Due Feb’20 (before 5pm)


The objective is to analyze the performance of carry and momentum strategies for oil futures:

· 100 WTI contracts for each of the two strategies

· Investment period: 01/01/2010-12/31/2022

· Trades are entered at the closing price on the day when the signal is calculated

· Roll to at the closing price on the 5th business day prior to the futures expiration (the same as in Homework #1)

· Transaction costs: $0.01/bbl


Carry and momentum strategies are defined as follows:



is either or contract, depending on the rolls, like in Homework 1.

1) Implement base carry and momentum strategies

- Implement base carry strategy for

- Implement base momentum strategy for (one month)

- For each strategy construct and graph equity line which is cumulative strategy P&L

(Start the line at zero; is daily P&L from rolled futures like in Homework 1; include transaction costs):

The strategy can be implemented either in Excel or Python. If you choose to use Python, then provide detailed strategy output in Excel.

2) For each strategy, calculate the following performance metrics:

- Average Annual

- Annualized Sharpe Ratio :

- High water-mark:

- Drawdown is the distance from :

(When is graphed, it is shown with a negative sign as to show it as loss)

- Return on Drawdown:

3) Determine optimal parameters for each strategy

- For , find carry strategy that maximizes Sharpe ratio

- For , find momentum strategy that maximizes Sharpe Ratio

If optimal and are not unique, then you can use any of the optimal ones at your discretion

4) Construct a mini-portfolio of two strategies

- Define portfolio as

and find the strategy allocation that maximizes Sharpe Ratio for the portfolio.

- Graph equity line for the optimal portfolio .

5) Summarize results of 2)-4) in the Word document, and comment on strategy and portfolio performances.

Submit the strategy implementation file in 1) and summary of results 5) to NYU Brightspace.