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ACB2420 Accounting Information Systems Tutorial 9


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ACB2420 Accounting Information Systems

Tutorial 9 System Documentation Tool & Data Visualisation (Charts, Sparklines & Databars) for FM

Part 1: Group Activity

Exercise 1

Level 0 DFD for S&S Cash Receipts System

Using the figure above as a reference, identify the following context diagram elements:

1) The system or process

2) All the external entities (data sources and data destinations)

3) All the data inflow(s) into the system

4) All the data outflow(s) from the system

Suggested Answers:

1) The system or process: Cash Receipts System

2) All the external entities (DS and DD): Customers (DS); Bank (DD); Management (DD); Credit and Collections (DD)

3) All the data inflow(s) into the system : Payments at sale; remittance on account

4) All the data outflow(s) from the system : Deposit; cash receipt report; aged trial balance

Exercise 2

Identify the four (4) Level 0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) elements in the following narrative:      Henk buys a new bicycle at a local shop and pays with his debit card. After confirming the payment, the sales clerk gives an invoice to the customer. A copy of the invoice if kept in the invoice file. The sales clerk then enters the transaction into the sales file. At the time of closing, the sales clerk retrieves all transactions  made during the day and gives the report to his manager.

Suggested Answers:

Data Flows: invoice, payment data, and daily sales report.

External Entities (Data Source and destination): customer (DS), manager (DD)

Processes: capture sales and payment data, generate daily sales report

Storage: sales file, invoice file

Part 2: Charts, Sparklines and DataBars

Download Tutorial9.xlsx from Moodle (Week 9>Tutorial 9) . Instructions are in the workbook.

See Tutorial9_solutions.xlsx

Part 3: Questions to complete at home (Good revision questions for your final exam)

Question 1

Level 0 DFD for S&S Payroll Processing

Using the figure above as a reference, identify the following context diagram elements:

1) The system or process

2) All the external entities (data sources and data destinations)

3) All the data inflow(s) into the system

4) All the data outflow(s) from the system

Suggested Answers:

1) The system or process: Payroll Processing System

2) All the external entities (DS and DD): Timekeeping (DS); Human Resources (DS); Employee (DD); Government (DD); Management (DD)

3) All the data inflow(s) into the system : Time card data; payroll change data

4) All the data outflow(s) from the system : paycheck; tax information; payroll summaries

Exercise 2

Draw a context diagram for a situation involving the processing of payroll transactions, where the external entities are employees (who receive pay checks and earnings statements and submit time cards signed by supervisors), managers (who receive labour distribution summaries and earning report), the personnel department (which receives a payroll register prepared from a computer processing roll and submits personnel action forms to interested parties), government agencies (which receive payroll tax reports), and the bank (which receives a payroll transfer check deposited into the firm’s account to pay the current period’s payroll, a deposit slip, and a cash amount withheld from employees for payroll taxes that agrees with the total payroll).

Suggested Answers: