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MATH2560H Target Concept 02 Probability Mass Functions


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Target Concept 02

Probability Mass Functions

1 Finding PMFs from Word Problems

1. 1 Baseball

Consider a baseball player with 300 batting average (i.e. hits the ball 30% of the time). Let X be the number of times they miss, and suppose that they try to hit the ball 4 times.

1. What is the PMF of X ?

2.  Sketch the PMF found in (a).

3. What is the probability that they will hit the ball more than once out of the four attempts?

1.2 Dice

I roll a D6 die twice, and X represents the number of times I roll a 3. Find the PMF of X .

Specifications for Success

To obtain satisfactory on this assignment, all of the criteria below must be met

All problems are attempted.

Concluding statements are present where appropriate.

Logic for derivation of PMFs is recorded and coherent.

Probability mass function derivations are correct.

Probability calculations are correct.