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CS602 – - Data-Driven Development with Python–Fall’22


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CS602 – - Data-Driven Development with Python–Fall’22

Handout 1

Introduction to Python programming language.

Data types and operations.

Input/output operations.

Python a general-purpose programming language

•    Created in 1990 by Guido van Rossum, in Netherlands

•    Interpreted language, originally created as a middle-ground between scripting languages and C

•    The core of the standard interpreter is implemented in C

•    Quickly gained popularity, volunteers built multiple packages extending language capabilities

•    Developed and maintained by volunteers, distributed for free by Python Software Foundation

Python 2 and Python 3 are two different versions not compatible with each other.

1 We will use Python 3, although it is possible to have both versions installed on your computer.

Illustration byJake VanderPlas

Important features of Python

•    Interpreted

•    Easily extendable

•    Very versatile

•    ‘easy to use’

•    Uses whitespace to structure code

•    Every data value is an object

•    Currently supports

1 Procedural programming

1 Object-oriented programming

1 Functional programming



Created on Aug 27, 2018 by tbabaian

Simple example program for the first class.

Converts temperature in degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius according to the formula TC = (TF -32)* 5/9


print ( 'This program converts temperature in degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celcius')

fahStr = input( 'Please enter an integer number of degrees F ')

fah = eval(fahStr) # evaluate the string, will convert input string into a number

celcius = (fah - 32) * 5 / 9

print (fah, 'degrees F equals ', celcius, ' degrees C')

Components of the program

Comments:  # for a single line, till the end of line

''' paragraph-comments

Start a multiple line comment with three quotations

End it with three quotations


Identifiers: names for elements in a program, including functions, variables, classes, etc…

•    Must not start with a digit

•    Can’t be a keyword :  word that has a meaning in the language, such as int or def

•     Can’t include spaces,  punctuation symbols

•    Are case sensitive: x is not the same as X! Punctuation and other grammar

1 Python is sensitive to white space indentation is used to indicate nesting of blocks (where other languages use {} or other blog begin-end statements)     Statements in the same block must be indented in the same way.

Outer block is not indented.

1 a “;” is  needed to indicate the end of a statement only if there are multiple statements on the same line, e.g.

a = 4; b = 5

1 \ is a line continuation symbol

Variable - is a named location to store data

•   all Python variables are pointers

•   Python is dynamically typed, meaning a variable type is not declared, it is dynamically inferred based on the value it points to, and a variable can be assigned any type of values at any point.

o Avoid changing the type of value stored in a variable to avoid errors!


Python has a range of built-in types.

Numeric built-in types: int, float, complex

have no range limit, i.e. can represent an arbitrary large or small number. Text built-in type: str

Boolean values: True, False

-  But other values can be used to indicate False, including 0 and None

Sequence types: list, tuple, range

list mutable heterogeneous collection

tuple immutable heterogeneous collection

range - immutable sequence of numbers and is commonly used for looping

'''Created on Aug 27, 2018 @author: TBABAIAN

Demo of built-in types'''

# numeric types: int, float, complex

print (3, 'has type', type(3))

print (-4.5 , 'has type', type(-4 .5))

print (complex(3,4), 'has type', type ( complex(3,4) ))

# have no range limit

a = 30000000000000000000000000000+1

print (a, 'has type', type(a))

print (1/a, 'has type' , type(1/a))

print ( '\nStrings ---------------------------------------------------- ')

# str type

print (type( 'abc '))

print (type( 'a'))

print (type("also a string"))

print ( '\nSequences ------------------------------------------------ ')

# sequence types: list, tuple range

lst = [a, 'b', 4 .3, -9]

lst [3] = 55 #lists are mutable, i.e. can be changed

print (lst, ' has type ', type(lst))

tpl = (3, 7 , 'foo')

print (tpl, ' has type ', type(tpl))

r = range(20, 30, 2)


Used to set, or assign a variable is to store a given value in the location denoted by the variable name . Not the same as equality in algebra, It means -

Store the value of the expression on the right side to the variable on the left side.

Can have any expression on the right hand side of =

x = 1       # Assign 1 to x

x = x + 1

i = j = k = 1

Simultaneous assignment: var1 , var2, ..., varn = exp1, exp2, ..., expn means: var1 = exp1; var2 = exp2; …varn=expn

x,y = 1, 3

x,y = y, x

# Assign 1 to x, 3 to y

# Swap values stored in x and y


input(‘prompt’) – input function, displays prompt specified as a parameter and returns the string of characters entered by the user.

To convert user input from str to another type, use

-  eval function, or

-  Type conversion.



fahStr = input( 'Please enter an integer number of degrees F ') fah = eval(fahStr)  # convert input string into a number


fahStr = input( 'Please enter an integer number of degrees F ') fah = int(fahStr)  # convert input string into a number


+, -, *, /, //, %, ( ), **

(1) integer division: results from dividing one int by another.  Returns whole number quotient, ignoring remainder (truncates).

21 // 4 = ?             7 // 2 = ?

(2) % : modulus, or remainder.

21 % 4 = ?              8 % 2 = ?

(3) ** - exponentiation.

3** 2 = ?

Practice: what is the value of z in the following?

x = 7; y = 3;

z = (x//y)*y + x%y

Order of precedence (elements in the same row have the same precedence): ()

+(unary)  – (unary)

*          /                //            %

+          -

= (assignment)

Relational Operators: also called Comparison Operators.

Use them for making decisions: True or False for outcome.

Include :   >    < >=    <= == !=

'''Created on Aug 27, 2018 @author: TBABAIAN

Demonstrating comparison operators '''

print ( '---comparison of numbers---------------------------- ')

i = 5; j =9;

print (i > j);