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STAT 1100 Lab 1


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STAT 1100 Lab 1 (20 pts)

Question 1 with data in the worksheet “Question 1”:

a.   Create a box plot for the data in column Data, include the main title for the plot as "Boxplot" and change the color of the box to green (3.5 pts).

b.   Find the five number summaries for this data: minimum, Q1, median, Q3, maximum.

Please label the number summaries clearly (2.5 pts).

Question 2 with data in the worksheet “Question 2”:

Columns A and B contain data from a survey about Twitter usage classified users by age. Number of users are in millions.

a.   Create a bar graph for the data. Add title "Bar Graph" and make sure all the axes are appropriately named ("Age" on horizontal, and "User" on vertical) (3.5 pts).

b.   Create a pie chart for the data. Add title "Pie Chart" and move the legends to the right side of the plot (3.5 pts).

Question 3 with data in the worksheet “Question 3”:

The data in column A contains the number of times a student eats out in a month for 40 students.

a.   Create a histogram for the data, include title "Histogram" for the plot, "Number of times" on x-axis and "Frequency" on y-axis. Then, change "Bin width" to 0.9 to make the plot   easier to read (3.5 pts).

b.   Describe the histogram based on modality, symmetry, and outliers. Please label the number summaries clearly (1.5 pts).

c.   Find the mean and standard deviation of this dataset (1 pt).

d.   For a student that eats out 4 times a month, find the z-score (1 pt).

Submission: Please submit the Excel file with your answers to Canvas assignment Lab 1.