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COM00023I Theory 3 2020-2021


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BEng, BSc, MEng and MMath Degree Examinations 2020-2021

Computer Science

Theory 3 (THE3)

(1)  [14 marks]

Consider the grammar G = ({S}, {a, b}, S, P) where P consists of the following productions:

S  →   Sb | aaa

ab →  ba

(i)  [2 marks]

Give a derivation of the string ababa.

(ii)  [4 marks]

Deine the language L(G) in words.

(iii)  [4 marks]

Deine L(G) by a regular expression.

(iv)  [4 marks]

Deine L(G) by a context-free grammar.

(2)  [18 marks]

Let M be the Turing machine with state set Q = {q0 , . . . ,q4 , ha , hr }, input alphabet    =  {a, b}, tape alphabet T  =  {a, b,  , X},  initial state q0 , and the following transition function 6: 

q0    (q1 ,  , R)

(Remember the convention that unspeciied transitions go to the reject state hr .)

(i)  [4 marks]

Draw a transition diagram for M .

(ii)  [6 marks]

Trace the computation of M on input aabbb, that is, give the transition se- quence starting with the coniguration q0 aabbb.

(iii)  [2 marks]

Give an input string ending in b that is not accepted by M . (iv)  [6 marks]

Precisely specify L(M), the language accepted by M .

(3)  [10 marks]

This question is about numeric functions. Assume that a natural number n ≥ 0 is represented by the string 1n  (where 10  = ^).

(i)  [5 marks]

What partial function fM : N  t N does the following Turing machine M compute?

1/1 R


/ L


q5      / R  q6       /1 L    ha

1/ L

(ii)  [5 marks]

Consider the following Turing machine M :

1/1 R

1/1 L 

1/1 L     q3


Is the computed function fM : N t N total or not? Explain your answer.

(4)  [12 marks]

Consider the following decision problems:

Halting problem (HP)

Input: A Turing machine M and a string w ∈  * .

Question:  Does M reach a halting coniguration on input w?

Existential halting problem (EHP)

Input: A Turing machine M .

Question:  Is there an input string on which M reaches a halting coniguration?   Show that the existential halting problem is undecidable, by reducing HP to EHP.

(5)  [12 marks]

Consider the following Turing machine M with input alphabet {a, b}:

a/a R

b/b R                                  b/b R

  q0      / R

/ L                / L                   / L


q5    / S  ha   / S    q4 

a/a L

b/b L

a/ L

b/ L

(a)  [6 marks] What function fM : {a, b}*  → {a, b}*  does M compute? (b)  [4 marks] Give the function τM , the time complexity of M .

(c)  [2 marks] Give the function sM , the space complexity of M .

(6)  [10 marks]

Consider the following nondeterministic Turing machine N with input alphabet {a}:

a/a R             a/a L             a/a R

a/a R

(i)  [4 marks] Give a transition sequence containing the maximum number of tran- sitions on input aaa.

(ii)  [4 marks] Give the function τN , the time complexity of N .

(iii)  [2 marks] Give the function sN , the space complexity of N .

(7)  [12 marks]

(i)  [6 marks] Show by induction that 2n  ∈ O(n!). (ii)  [6 marks] Show that n4  − 2n /∈ O(n3 ).

(8)  [12 marks]

A boolean expression D is in disjunctive normal form (DNF) if it is a disjunction of conjunctions of literals. For example,

(¬x1 ^ x2 ^ x1) ∨ (x2 ^ ¬x3) ∨ (¬x2 ^ x3)

is in disjunctive normal form. An expression is satisiable if there is an assignment of truth values to variables making the expression true.  For example, the assignment x1, x2 '→ true, x3 '→ false makes the above expression true.  Now consider the following decision problem:

DNF-satisiability problem (DNF-Sat)

Input: A boolean expression D in disjunctive normal form.

Question:  Is D satisiable?

Sketch a proof that DNF-Sat is in P.

Hint: show that there is a cheap way to check whether a single conjunction of literals is satisiable. Then describe a Turing machine which solves DNF-Sat based on this check, and explain why the machine’s time complexity is a polynomial.