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COMP10001 Foundations of Computing Final Examination, Semester 2, 2019


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Final Examination, Semester 2, 2019

COMP10001 Foundations of Computing

Part 1: Algorithmic Thinking

Question 1 [12 marks]

Evaluate the following expressions, and provide the output in each case.

(a) 'snout'[2:]

(b) sorted(['fog', 'cog', 'dog'])

(c) ('now'[-1] + 'south'[-1] + 'hurry'[-1])

(d) sorted({'owls': 'good', 'more owls': 'not so good'}.values())[1]

(e) 'nic' not in sorted('cinema')

(f) [i%2 for i in range(0, 10, 2)]

Question 2 [12 marks]

Rewrite the following function, replacing the for loop with a while loop, but preserving the remainder of the original code structure:

def all_vowels(word):

    vowels = 'aeiou'

    seen = ''

    c in word:

        if c in vowels:

            seen += c

    return sorted(seen) == list(vowels)

Question 3 [12 marks]

In project 1, you considered preferential voting, in which a valid vote required a voter to list all candidates once in their preferred order.

The following function orderings(candidates) is intended to recursively generate all possible valid votes for a given set of n candidates.

1    def orderings(candidates):


3        if not candidates:

4            return [candidates]


6        vote == []

7        for i in range(len(candidates)):

8            current = candidates(i)

9            remainining = candidates[i] + candidates[i+1:]

10           for o in orderings(remaining)

11               vote.append([candidates] + o)


13       return vote

However, there are several errors in the given function definition. Identify exactly three (3) errors and specify: (a) the line number where the error occurs; (b) the type of error, as syntax, logic or runtime; and (c) how you would fix each error, in the form of corrected code.

Question 4 [12 marks]

To “obfuscate” text means to make it hard to read. Obfuscating text by substituting or modifying certain characters, can make it more difficult for a casual reader to understand, while still leaving it readable by someone familiar with the rules of modification.

The following function is intended to obfuscate a (lowercase) string of text according to the following rules:

1. First, all consecutive duplicate letters are replaced with a single letter; for example, ’hello’ becomes ’helo’ and ’mississippi’ becomes ’misisipi’.

2. Next, some characters are replaced with numbers/symbols, according to the substitution dictionary below; e.g., ’a’ becomes ’@’ and ’e’ becomes ’3’.

3. Finally, given the updated string after applying rules 1 and 2, convert each character at an evennumbered index (i.e., index positions 0, 2, 4, etc) in this string to uppercase; e.g., the string ’doubt’ becomes ’DoUbT’.

For example:

>>> obfuscate_text('keeping secrets is wise')

'K3P!Ng $3cR3T$ !$ W!$3'

Assume you are given the dictionary subs as follows:

subs = {

            'a': '@',

            's': '$',

            'i': '!',

            'e': '3',

            'l': '1'


As presented, the lines of the function are out of order. Put the line numbers in the correct order and introduce appropriate indentation (indent the line numbers using the columns in the answer table provided to show how the corresponding lines would be indented in your code).

1    obs_text = ''

2    i = 0

3    if short_text[i] in subs:

4    while i < len(short_text):

5    else:

6    obs_text += short_text[i]

7    obs_text += short_text[i].upper()

8    obs_text += subs[short_text[i]]

9    elif i%2 == 0:

10   i += 1

11   return obs_text

12   def obfuscate_text(text):

13   prev_char = ''

14   if c == prev_char:

15   short_text = ''

16   continue

17   short_text += c

18   for c in text:

19   prev_char = c

Part 2: Constructing Programs

Question 5 [10 marks]

The following function is intended to read in a csv file containing a list of different widgets, and the number of units of each that were sold in a given year, and write out a new csv file which adds an additional column containing the proportion of total sales represented by each widget.

Proportions should be displayed as percentages, shown to two decimal places.

For example, if the file data.csv contains the following:






After running add_proportions('data.csv', 'new_data.csv'), the file new_data.csv will contain:






Provide code to insert into each of the numbered boxes in the code below to complete the function as described. Note that your code will be evaluated at the indentation level indicated for each box.

import    1

def add_proportions(csv_filename, new_filename):

    with open(csv_filename) as csv_file:

        reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file, skipinitialspace=True)

        header = reader.fieldnames

        data = list(reader)

    count_sum = 0

    for row in    2

        count_sum += int(row['count'])

    for row in data:

        prop = int(row['count']) / count_sum * 100

        row['proportion'] = round(prop, 2)

    new_header = header +    3

    with open(    4    ) as new_file:

        writer = csv.DictWriter(new_file, new_header)


        for row in    5


Question 6 [10 marks]

The aim of this question is to write a single Python statement that generates a given error or exception. Write a single Python statement that generates each of the following errors and exceptions, assuming it is executed in isolation of any other code.

(a) IndexError: list index out of range

(b) TypeError: ’tuple’ object does not support item assignment

(c) AttributeError: ’str’ object has no attribute ’len’

(d) KeyError: 0

(e) TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: ’int’ and ’str’

Question 7 [18 marks]

Write a function alternate(word) that rearranges the characters of the given lowercase alphabetic string in word such that vowels and consonants appear in alternating positions. The ordering of vowels and consonants should otherwise remain unchanged.

When no alternating ordering is possible (e.g., because there are too many vowels, or too many consonants) your function should return None.

When there are equal numbers of vowels and consonants, the rearranged word should begin with whichever letter comes earlier in the alphabet.

For example:

>>> alternate('tools')


>>> alternate('ambulance')


>>> alternate('headache')


>>> alternate('football')


Part 3: Conceptual Questions

Question 8: Algorithmic Problem Solving [12 marks]

(a) In the context of the analysis of algorithms, briefly explain what is meant by an exact algorithmic approach? [6 marks]

(b) Is binary search an example of a “divide-and-conquer” algorithm? Briefly explain why or why not. [6 marks]

Question 9: Applications of Computing [12 marks]

(a) Briefly describe two applications of artificial intelligence. [6 marks]

(b) Briefly explain the concept of anomaly detection and how it can be used in network security. [6 marks]

Question 10: HTML and the Internet [10 marks]

Complete this HTML page:

<!    1    html>

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">


<    2    http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

<title>COMP10001: The Final Exam</title>



<h1>COMP10001: The Final Exam</h1>


<    3    >


    <li>Chris, Nic, Marion</li>

    <li><(a    4    ="./images/pikachu.gif" alt="Pikachu!"/></li>




</    5    >

by filling in the numbered blanks based on selecting from among the following candidate strings:

• a

• body


• ul

• html

• img

• meta

• ol

• src

• td

This is blank space for further answers should you need it. Please ensure that you label the answers in this area carefully, and that you indicate on the corresponding question page that your answer can be found here.