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International Finance


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International Finance

Main Attempt

Phase Test

Section A: Please answer ALL questions from this Section. (Section A: Total 70 marks)

Question 1

Finham Limited UK has just signed a contract for the sale of a new manufacturing equipment for €400,000 to an Italian company. The receipt is expected in six months’ time. The company’s finance director is considering using either 1) a forward contract or 2) an OTC option to hedge this exposure.

Current market rates and quotes are as follows:

Spot   €1. 14/£

6 Month Forward   €1. 16/£

An option to sell €400,000 in six months’ time at an exercise price of €1. 14/£ is available from their bank at a premium of £0.02 per €


a)   In each case compare the results if in six months’ time the exchange rate has

i)         Moved to €1. 10/£ [15 marks]

ii)        Moved to €1. 18/£ [15 marks]

b)   Calculate the exchange rate at which it would be beneficial to use the option rather than the forward. Explain why this information would be of use to a company. [5 marks] [Total: 35 marks]

Question 2

Stoneleigh Limited, a UK manufacturing company, has just signed a contract on 1st June    2018 to import $1,000,000 of raw materials from a US company. The payment is due in      three months’ time. The board of Stoneleigh Limited expect a steep depreciation of Sterling against $, hence they are considering two alternative ways to hedge their exposure.

1)        A forward hedge

2)        A futures hedge

Market Data at 1st June 2018:

Exchange rates:          Spot                            $1.30/£

3-month Forward        $1.28/£

Currency futures: CME £62,500 September 2018 Contract (cash-settled): $1.26/£

Interest rates (borrowing and lending):

UK      4% per annum

US      2% per annum


a) Evaluate the outcome of the two alternative hedging methods in 3 months’ time if

exchange rates have moved to:

i)   $1.24/£   [10 marks]

iii)   $1.36/£   [10 marks]

Your answer should include both a numerical and a written summary and evaluation.

b) The company’s financial manager also proposes the use of money market hedging, i.e. a synthetic forward.

i)         Explain how the company would use a money market hedge based on the above market data. [10 marks]

ii)        Calculate the effective exchange rate and evaluate the outcome against your answer in a). [5 marks] [Total: 35 marks]

Section B: Please choose ONE question from this Section. (Section B: Total 30 marks)

Question 3

A U.S. firm holds an asset in France and faces the following scenario:



Spot Rate















P* = Euro price of the asset held by the U.S. firm


a)   What is the expected value of your asset in US dollar? [10 marks]

b)  Estimate your exposure to the exchange risk. [20 marks] [Total: 30 marks]

Question 4

Firm A is a U.S. MNC and wants to borrow €40 million for 3 years. Firm B is a French MNC and wants to borrow $60 million for 3 years. Firm A wants finance euro denominated asset in Italy and therefore wants to borrow euro. Firm B wants to finance a dollar denominated asset and therefore wants to borrow dollars. Firm A can borrow dollar at 7% or borrow euro at 6%. Firm B can borrow dollar at 8% or borrow euro at 5%. The current exchange rate is $1.50 =    €1.00. If firms A and B knew and trusted each other, they could theoretically cut out the swap bank.


Develop a currency swap in which both firms A and B have equal cost saving. [Total: 30 marks]