关键词 > EENG20004

EENG20004 Goertzel Implementation


Formal report: Goertzel Implementation:

(EENG20004. Deadline: 7th June 2021)

Please note that all examples and laboratory exercises conducted during the laboratory sessions are not assessed.

A template for the algorithm is given in the C language (see blackboard).

Tasks to perform:

1You are required to study the code and implement the Goertzel algorithm in the C language in order to detect one frequency. Modify GTZ_One_freq, Total mark (20%)

2. Modify the C code provided to you in order to detect all 15 digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, #, A, B, C and D). Modify GTZ_All_freq. Total mark (60%).

3. Write a formal report explaining the implementation and showing/discussing the results. Presentation will be taken into account (20%).

A document template is given to you and you should not exceed 6 pages; extra pages can be used in the appendix. Please include the report as a Word document and PDF as well as a zip file with ALL the Goertzel projects. (Please DO NOT submit only the source files). Marks will be deduced if a project will not compile.

Only ONE report per group is required, with names and email addresses included.

Submission should be through Blackboard.

The following two references show examples of implementation [1] [2].


[1] N. Dahnoun, Digital Signal Processing Implementation: Using the TMS320C6000 DSP Platform, Prentice Hall, 2000.

[2] N. Dahnoun, "Multicore DSP: From Algorithms to Real-time Implementation on the TMS320C66x SoC," 2018. [Online and hard copies at University of Bristol Library.], also available: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Multicore-DSP-Algorithms-Real-Time-Implementation/dp/1119003822. [Accessed February 2021].