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Homework 1 (MATLAB Part)


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Homework 1 (MATLAB Part)

MATLAB Part (To be submitted through Brightspace. Due date: Feb 15, 11:59PM New York Time)

You should submit a zip file that contains:

1.   A report (in .pdf format), includes the MATLAB code you wrote for each problem and result for each problem (in terms of plots and necessary discussion),

2.   Individual .m files. You could use the live script” feature of MATLAB to generate your report. Submit your zip file via Brightspace under “Assignments MATLAB Homework” .

There are 2 problems in this homework, try to follow the steps inside the HW1_hint.m file on Brightspace to finish this homework.

1. Suppose there are 3 fair dice. Now throw them together. Try to calculate the probability of getting different numbers in sum. You should get the probability for each kind of sum as shown below.

2.Galton’s Board Simulation.

This problem is to simulate the Galton’s Board process by MATLAB. You may find some useful hints in the hint file.

Here is another reference we found online. I have also uploaded the MATLAB file to Brightspace called GaltonBoard.m. You can run it in your MATLAB.
