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Homework 6: Server-Side Scripting using PHP, JSON and Ticketmaster API


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Homework 6: Server-Side Scripting using PHP, JSON and Ticketmaster API

Grading Guidelines

10 Points

Graders will test your homework on Firefox and Chrome.

Grading Guidelines:

Search Form (3.0 points in total)

●   The initial web page with proper fields in the search form, along with “Events Search” header. (1.5 points)

●   The drop-down list should contain all the 5 categories, 0.25 points will be deducted for each missing category

●   Location edit box must disappear when selecting “Auto-detect location” checkbox and appear when unchecked, 0.5 points

Distance edit box should have a placeholder, 0.25 points

Background image should be attached, 0.25 points

●   Search and Clear button should have proper hover effect and the form box should have frosted glass effect, 0.25 points

●   Validation for the search inputs, the error message(s) should indicate if fields are missing. (0.5 point)

If there is no error message for invalid input, 0.5 will be deducted.

●   The “Clear” button resets the search form to the initial state and clears the results area. (0.5 point)

●   For each incorrectly reset or cleared field, 0.25 point will be deducted, for a maximum deduction of 0.5 point.

●   When the “Search” button is clicked, the page maintains the previous input values after displaying the results table. (0.5 point)

●   For each incorrectly maintained field, 0.25 point will be deducted, for a maximum deduction of 0.5 point.

Search Result Table (4.0 points)

●   Show the search information retrieved from the API service in a tabular format as described in the homework description. (2 points)

For each missing column in the table, 0.5 point will be deducted.

●   For each incorrect column value or column order mismatch, 0.5 point will be deducted.

●   For each missing/incorrect row/category date/icon/event/genre/venue in the table, 0.5 point will be deducted.

●   The search should work for all 5 possible categories. For every missing search, 0.5 point should be deducted.

Maximum deduction will be 2 points.

●   On clicking headers Event, Genre, Venue, ascending and descending order sorting should be done. 0.5 point for each column ascending or descending order. (1.5 points)

Event name should be clickable, on clicking appropriate detailed information should be displayed in the new tab, Make sure that artist/ team” and buy ticket at” sections are clickable, and the page should be opened in a new window. (0.25 points for each section, 0.5 points for both are non-clickable).

Details Information (2.0 points)

●   Show the information retrieved from the API service in a format as described in the homework description. (1.5 point)

For each missing data in the card, 0.1 points will be deducted

●   Missing the right heading for the corresponding value, 0.25 points will be deducted

●   All the subheadings should have data, 0.25 will be deducted for every subheading with no data with a maximum of 1 point

●   Ticket status in the event details card is color coded, 0.15 points will be deducted for every incorrectly colored card.

The convention used is follows:

o     On sale: Green

o     Off sale: Red

o     Canceled: Black

o      Postponed: Orange

o      Rescheduled: Orange

●   Venue details should display the entire address: Name of Venue + street address + city + state + zip code, 0.25 points

Google maps location hyperlink should open in new tab, 0.25 points

More events hyperlinks should open in new tab, 0.25 points

Maximum deduction will be 1.5 points.

Show the venue info card in a dynamic view (0.5 point)

Python Scripts (1.0 points)

●   The other URL submitted in addition to the Homework 6 web page will be checked  to see if the backend (Python scripts) is working or not.


●   You may call Google Geocoding API and ipInfo from JavaScript, but you should not call Ticketmaster API directly from JavaScript. Doing this will result in a 4.0 points penalty.

●   You should implement HW6 using a GCP, AWS or Azure cloud service as described in Assignment 5. Otherwise, 3.0 points will be deducted. This will be verified with an additional link in the Table of exercises, showing a sample API call to your cloud” service and verifying the corresponding JSON result.

●   Use of any kind of “template”-based technology, library or methods, such as Flask/Jinja templates, Django templates, or other templates that mix HTML and Python, will result in a 3.0 point penalty.

Source code submission

Students should submit their source code electronically on DEN D2L as a single ZIP file containing all front-end and back-end code and any additional files. In addition, on your course homework page, you must update the Homework 6 link to refer to your new home page in the cloud.