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LE/EECS 3421 3.00 Introduction to Database Systems Fall 2022--Section A


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LE/EECS 3421 3.00 Introduction to Database Systems

Fall 2022--Section A

Course Objectives

Cumulative GPA of 4.50 or better over all major EECS courses (without second digit "5"); LE/EECS 2030 3.00 or LE/EECS 1030 3.00; Course credit exclusions: AP/ITEC 3220 3.00

This course has programming assignments that require the use of Java (Graphical User Interface design and Database Connectivity) and MySQL.

Course Objectives

Concepts,  approaches  and  techniques  in  database  management  systems  (DBMS).  Logical  model  of relational databases. An introduction to relational database design. Other topics such as query languages, crash recovery and concurrency control.

Course Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are expected to be able to do the following.

•    Model databases proficiently at conceptual and logical levels of design. Use the entity- relationship model (E-R) and E-R diagrams with extensions.

•    Develop relational database schemas which respect and enforce data integrity represented in E-R diagrams.

•    Implement a relational database schema using Structured Query Language (SQL), to create and manipulate tables, indexes, and views.

•    Create and use complex queries in SQL.

•    Write database application programs with an understanding of transaction management, concurrency control, and crash recovery.

Course Assessments

Assignment 1:

Assignment 2:



Due: November 27, 2022, 23:59

Online Quizzes: 15% 3-6 quizzes, every 2-3 weeks on eClass

will open on Friday afternoon for 1 hour (5PM--6PM), duration 10-15 minutes, best three will be considered

Final Exam:

20% Sunday October 30, 2022@ 13:00

90 minutes, online on Crowdmark

40% During Examination Period

180 minutes, in person, Further details will be shared soon

Assignments Submission & Grading

For assignments, students will work in the group of at most 2 students . Working alone is permitted, however, there will be no time or work compensation for students working alone. Please inform the instructor in the first week of term about your assignment team.

Assignment deliverables are to be uploaded to eClass/Crowdmark and will be checked for plagiarism, subject to YorkU’s Academic Honesty Policy. In case an assignment submission is found plagiarized, and the similarity is more than 60%, all involved students will receive zero and the case will be reported to the department for further evaluation.

Please visit the  link http://www.cse.yorku.ca/admin/coscOnAcadHonesty.html”  for further  details  on YorkU’s Academic Honesty Guidelines.

If you have taken help from some external/internal sources in your assignment, properly site these sources in your submission. It will be then on the nature of the use of material and the discretion of the Instructor to accept it as a valid use or not.

Extensions & Late Submissions

Missing or late assignments will be awarded zero, no matter what the circumstances are.

•    ALC accommodation students will not get extra time for the assignments unless a clear number of days are approved by the ALC.


There will be an online quiz every 2 to 3 weeks through eClass. There will be in total 3 to 6 quizzes. Each quiz will open on Friday afternoon/evening between 5PM to 6PM for one hour only and students must write it during that time. Duration of quiz will be between 10 to 15 minutes. Students with accommodation will get extra time accordingly.

There will be no alternate time for the quizzes and missed quizzes will be awarded 0, no matter what the circumstances are. Religious accommodations or lecture schedule conflicts will be accommodated in some suitable manner.

Online Test

An online test worth 20% will be conducted through Crowdmark on: Sunday October 30, 2022@ 13:00. The details on the content will be shared close to the test.

IF someone misses this online test due to some valid and acceptable reason, the weight of this test will be then transferred to the final exam. Students must inform the instructor and provide necessary details to get the approval for weight transfer.

Final Exams

Final exam will be conducted during fall exams period (December 08-23, 2022). The duration of the exam will be 180 minutes.

Course Outline


•    Conceptual design and the E-R Model

•    Relational model

•    Relational algebra


•    Multitier Application Design

•    Transaction management and Concurrency control


The instructor reserves the right to modify elements of the course during the term.

The lectures and other material will be uploaded on the course website (eClass) on weekly basis.

➢ Since it is a blended section, lectures will be online through MS Teams. Lecture attendance is highly recommended as not all the examples, scenarios and explanation will be there in the slides.

➢ Online lecture sessions will also be recorded, and these recordings will be shared on MS Teams shared folder.

The instructions to join the MS Teams are provided on eClass.

Course Material


Following book is required for this course.  We  will  use  the  author  slides  during  the  lectures. Assignments/labs are also based on the book problems. The chapter end exercises include several problems that are useful to prepare for the final exam and quizzes.

•    Fundamentals of Database Systems, 7/E BY Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B. Navathe; ISBN: 9780133971224

Computer and other Electronic Equipment

•    Students will be required to perform practical assignments/exercises on their personal computers. This might include the use of Linux, virtual machines, MySQL, Java. Running a virtual machine requires   significant   memory,   therefore,   students   must   ensure   that   they   have   sufficient computational resources available; 8 GB of RAM should be fine, but 4 GB could be slow.

•    Exams/quizzes  involve basic mathematical  calculations  for which the use  of basic  scientific calculator is recommended.