关键词 > AP/ECON4400

AP/ECON 4400 3.0 M Financial Economics Winter 2023


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Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies

Department of Economics

AP/ECON 4400 3.0 M

Financial Economics

Winter 2023 Course Outline

Calendar Course Description / Prerequisite / Co-Requisite:

Calendar Description / Prerequisite / Co-Requisite

Analyzes investment and financing decisions, the separation between ownership and control, the risk   inherent in decision-making, and how shareholders’ wealth and utility are maximized. Topics include   net present value, capital budgeting, efficiency of capital markets, treatment of risk, valuation of debt,  dividend policy, short-term financing, and financial strategy. Prerequisites: AP/ECON 2300 3.00 and   AP/ECON 2350 3.00 or equivalents. Course credit exclusions: AP/ADMB 3530 3.00, AP/ADMS 3530 3.00, GL/ECON 4310 3.00. PRIOR TO FALL 2009: Course credit exclusions: AK/ADMS 3530 3.00,  AK/ECON 4082 3.00, AS/ECON 4400 3.00, GL/ECON 4310 3.00, SB/FINE 2000 3.00, SB/FINE       3100 3.00.

Lecture Time and Location


M: 4:00pm - 5:30pm RS 203

W: 4:00pm –5:30pm RS 201

Teaching Assistants: TBA

Organization of the Course

This course involves formal lectures presented by the course instructor.  The classroom technology will be used extensively, such as PowerPoint, or MS word format presentation.  There will be extensive       usages of the course web site.  Reading assignments, practice problems, problem solving, etc., for each lecture session, tutorial sessions or TA availability, etc., will be announced on the course web site.

Technical requirements for taking the course:

This course is, in principle, a face-to-face lecture in a classroom. However, the Covid- 19 situation is  still ongoing, so online lecture deliveries can resume at any time, and some student consultations are  expected to take place online.  Moreover, the exam may be administered online, so all students taking this course must meet the following technical requirements.

A computer with microphone and webcam, and a high speed and reliable internet connection, and/or a  smart device with these features. These technical features are required for students in order to fully        participate in the course. There are some live information sessions including Q & A that may be            conducted through Zoom video conferencing, where students are expected to participate. Also, students may be required to appear on video for exams/tests proctoring purposes. If you are not comfortable       with these requirements, you should not enroll in this section of the course.

Students shall note the following:

•   Zoom is hosted on servers in the U.S. This includes recordings done through Zoom.

•   If you have privacy concerns about your data, provide only your first name or a nickname when you join a session.

•   The system is configured in a way that all participants are automatically notified when a session is being recorded. In other words, a session cannot be recorded without you knowing about it.

Here are some useful links for student computing information, resources and help:

Student Guide to Moodle

Zoom@YorkU Best Practices

Zoom@YorkU User Reference Guide

Computing for Students Website

Student Guide to eLearning at York University

To determine Internet connection and speed, there are online tests, such asSpeedtest, that can be run.

Course Text / Readings (Required)

BMM: Brealey, Myers, and Marcus, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 7th Canadian Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2018

Evaluation *

The grade for this course is composed of the mark received for each of the following components:

Type of Assessment




Midterm Exam (120 minutes)



Feb 15

Final Exam (180 minutes)



April 12-27





The following conversions will be used in converting percentage grades to letter grades:

90- 100 (A+),    80-89 (A), 75-79 (B+),      70-74 (B), 65-69 (C+),      60-64 (C), 55-59 (D+),      50-54

(D), 40-49 (E),   0-39 (F).

Problem sets will be posted in the course web site throughout the semester. Some of them may be solved in class.  These problems will not be graded, however, I encourage you to work through them.  It will help you understanding the course material and consequently, increase the probability that you will do well in the course.  Practice may not always make perfect, but it’s a good start.

Deferred Exam Policy:

There are no makeups for missed midterm exams. Anyone missing the midterm exam will automatically have their final exam reweighted to be worth 100%.

NO multiple deferrals allowed: Students can defer only one of the two exams.  If students defer more than one exam, the successive deferred exams will be marked zero.

Deferring the Final Exam:  The deferred final exam policy will be applied only for those who             completed all of the course requirements but the final exam. Students who do not complete one of the course requirements during the semester MUST attend the regular final exam session to complete the course.   If a student were to miss a course requirement during the semester and has to defer the final exam as well then the student may submit a formal petition to the Faculty.

Requesting Deferred Final Exam

Students will be required to complete a Mach form requesting a deferred exam.  For complete

instructions for using the Mach form, please go to our website:

https://www.yorku.ca/laps/econ/undergraduate-programs/academic-resources/department- policies/deferred-standing/

The Mach form replaces theFinalExam/Assignment Deferred Standing Agreement (DSA). A student must submit the form within 5 business days from the final exam date.

Tentative Sequence of Topics Covered and the Lecture Schedule


Topics, Reading and Activity

01 Jan 9, 11

Ch 3: Accounting and Finance

02 Jan 16, 18

Ch 5: Time Value of Money

03 Jan 23, 25

Ch 6: Valuing Bonds

04 Jan 30, Feb 1

Ch 7: Valuing Stocks

05 Feb 6, 8

Ch 8: NPV and Other Criteria

06 Feb 15 (Wed)

Midterm Exam: (Weeks 1-4 Covered)

(Mar 17: Last day of Drop)

Reading Week

07 Feb 27, Mar 1

Ch 9: Discounted Cash Flow Analysis

08 Mar 6, 8

Ch 10: Project Analysis

09 Mar 13, 15

Ch 11: Introduction to Risk, Return, and the OC of Capital

10 Mar 20, 22

Ch 12: Risk, Return, and Capital Budgeting

11 Mar 27, 29

Ch 13: The WACC

12 Apr 3, 5


Final Exam

Final Exam: April 12-27

New Information and Changes:

The schedule is subject to change sometimes there are unexpected absences or we bog down on an issue. Check your class notes, or contact me for up-dated work schedules.

It may be very possible to make some adjustments of lectures and/or exams schedules.  Students may also have handouts for the topics discussed in the class.  It is students’ responsibility to be aware of any policy (or schedule change), or to collect handouts from classes.   If you miss classes, contact the instructor before or immediate after, and check if there is any policy change or handout distributed.

There is no excuse for not knowing course policies or schedule changes, or for not having handouts.

Health and Safety Protocols Related to the COVID-19:

As part of YorksCommunity of Care Commitment, all members of the York community share in the

responsibility of keeping others safe on campuses. In this class, as elsewhere on campus, students must

comply with all University health and safety protocols, including:

•   Self-screening using theYU Screen toolprior to coming to campusfor any in-person activities

•   Not attending in-person activities at any of York Universitys campuses/locations where you are feeling unwell or if you answer YES to any of the screening questions.

•   Wearing masks orface coverings that completely cover the mouth, nose and chin while on campus

•   Avoiding eating and drinking in classrooms, research and in shared spaces, where eating is explicitly not permitted (e.g., Libraries)

•   Engaging in good hand hygiene

•   Following instructions in designated spaces, as they pertain to giving space to one another   and/or protocolsfor entry to and exitfrom classrooms, instructional and other shared spaces

(e.g., Libraries), when applicable.

Information about COVID-19 health and safety measures can befound on theBetter Togetherwebsite.

Important Course Information for Students:

All students are expected to familiarize themselves with the following information, available on the

Senate Committee on Curriculum & Academic Standards webpage;


➢ York’s Academic Honesty Policy and Procedures/Academic Integrity Website

Academic Honesty and Integrity:  Conduct that violates the ethical or legal standards of the University community or of one’s program or specialization is subject to severe penalties.      Students are responsible for understanding the nature and consequences of these offences, as contained in the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty, found on the York University Senate    WEB page: http://www.yorku.ca/secretariat/policies/document.php?document=69

➢ Ethics Review Process for research involving human participants


➢ Course requirement accommodation for students with disabilities, including physical, medical,

systemic, learning and psychiatric disabilities


➢ Student Conduct Standards


➢ Religious Observance Accommodation
