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BIOL 107 Labs - Winter 2023


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BIOL 107 Labs - Winter 2023

Lab 3 assignment

Complete this assignment using whatever programs you like, but please paste it together into a single document and then save/print it as a pdf.

It is due the night before your lab and every late day has a 10% penalty.

1.Go back to your assignment 1 and fix any problems with your graph.Paste in your graph from lab 1. (no need to include a caption) (1 mark) (Miss that assignment?Go back and read the instructions on that assignment and graph it. Get a perfect score on that graph? Fix what you would do differently or leave it as-is and paste it in.)

2.Create a bar graph with error bars using the 0%, 50% and 100% group data for your timeslotMonday AM, use Monday AM data, etc. To make this graph you will have to:

a.Calculate and Graph the mean of blue cells for each treatment.

In excel you can do this using the formula:=average(Cellfirst:Celllast)

eg. =average(A1:A100) will give you the average of all of the cells from A1 to A100.

b.Calculate the standard deviation for each and add them to the graph.

In excel you can do this using the formula:=stdev(Cell#1:Cell#last)

eg. =stdev(A1:A100) will give you the standard deviation of the cells from A1 to A100.

c.Include a figure caption.

1 mark: graphed Averages are right.

1 mark: graphed Stdevs are right (stdev must correspond to treatment).

1 mark: Axi are labeled right.

1 mark: Has all of the treatments and looks broadly right’.

2 marks: caption explains experiment (what do the bars represent) and what is graphed (generally explain what the bar is and how many data points have gone into this sample).

3.Screen capture the histogram for your timeslot and use it to answer the following questions:

a.Comment on the histogram. Is this distribution what you would expect? Why or why not? (If it is oddly shaped, what did you expect it to look like?) (1 mark)

b.Highlight the bar that contains the mean. (Use an arrow or a ‘marker’ on the screencap, this won’t be marked for prettiness.) (1 mark).

c.Show on the histogram where one standard deviation (above and below the mean) would fall. (arrow or markers) (1 mark)

d.Calculate the z-score for your 50% treatment. (1 mark). Comment on what your z-score means (1 mark).

4.Edit the following statement to be more clear and concise.

Gourabathini, Brandl, Redding, Gunderson, and Berk (2008) wanted to know about how single-celled eukaryotes could be playing a role in food poisoning so they did an experiment and found that when they fed some ciliates fluorescent bacteria that the bacteria were protected in the cell’s vacuoles.(2 marks)

5.Use this article to answer the following questions.


a.What type of literature source is this article (primary, secondary, tertiary, grey)? Why? (1 mark)

b.Does this employ deductive reasoning or inductive reasoning? Explain in 1-3 sentences (3 max). (1 mark)

c. (This question isnt a communicating resultsquestion, but it is the type of question you may see on the lab exam.) If you had to measure amoeboid movement or speed in a biology 107 lab using 107 lab equipment, how would you go about doing so? Explain. (4 sentences max) (2 marks)