关键词 > CS682



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The purpose of this exercise is to (1) give you practice exploring development processes, and (2) identifying risks when embarking on a project.

Please leave the headings and the gray text unchanged except for the hints section which should not be included in your solution. Observe the page limitations; however, you may include as many appendices as you wish. All appendices should be referred to in the main text. Include your last name in the file name of the assignment. (Example: SmithMichael_CS682Assignment2.docx). Then, follow the example in Module 0: Executive Writing to format your assignment prior to submission.

You are a project manager hired by the CEO to recommend the process and complete a risk assessment. Once the project is initiated you will be responsible for managing this project and risk mitigation strategies you have proposed. Your solution will build on the systems analysis that you developed in assignment 1. The name of the system will be the same name as the company: CampusSmoothie specializes in providing smoothie and juice bars across large college campuses and specializes in automated smoothie kiosks

The following project characteristics apply:

• The CEO is interested in features for CampusSmoothie which conflict with what investors think is both important and can be delivered in the initial release.   For example: The CEO believes that CampusSmoothie must have exceptional user experience and integrate with social media, however investors disagree considering health and safety features are critical—at least for the initial development.

• Along with the CEO and yourself, your initial team has 1 systems analyst who is also a subject area expert and 1 developer experienced with programming of this type of system: 5 additional developers and 3 QA personal are needed for this type of project to be delivered in the timeframe of the initial release based on your previous experience of working on similar projects.

• The system analyst/subject area expert and the experienced developer reside in time zones with substantial difference. The experienced developer is very talented; however, family priorities will limit their availability on this project, potentially in most critical moments.

• To keep costs low, the CEO would like to hire as many offshore developers and QA staff as possible, even though they would probably be in very different time zones, potentially with deep cultural differences. You may assume that effects of pandemic, war, sanctions, and unrest may somehow impact the offshore development team.

• You are to assume the timeframe of the initial release and or iterations depending on your process selection

1. Process

Using the format below, consider each of the following development processes in terms of how suitable it would be for this project.

1. Waterfall Process

2. An iterative (Rapid Application Development) process with 3-4 iterations

3. Agile Process

1.1 Comparison of Processes

For each of the three listed development processes, provide one strength and one and weakness relative to this particular project. Look to focus on what you think is the most important strength and weakness of the SDLC process specific to one or two characteristics of this specific scenario. Being selective and focused is important. Incorporate research where appropriate to add depth to your response. (up to 2 pages of 12-point text)

1.1.1 Waterfall Strength

Replace this with your response.

1.1.2 Waterfall Weakness

Replace this with your response.

1.1.3 RAD Strength

Replace this with your response.

1.1.4 RAD Weakness

Replace this with your response.

1.1.5 Agile Strength

Replace this with your response.

1.1.6 Agile Weakness

Replace this with your response.

1.2 Project Roadmap

Designate one process—or a combination of processes—for this specific project, that you consider most appropriate (single sentence). Provide a Roadmap in the form of a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) which clearly shows the phases of process you designated with what is being completed and by whom. In this section you do not need to explain your choices, this will be done in the next section. (up-to 1 page of 12-point text)

Replace this with your selected process.

Fill in the chart below




Expected Duration











1.3 Explanation of Process

Explain why the process and the roadmap you selected would work best supporting the characteristics of this project. Consider the strengths and weaknesses which you defined earlier. We place more much more weight on this section rather the roadmap itself. (up-to 3/4 page of 12-point text)

Replace this with your response.

2. Risk Analysis

2.1 Five Risks

Based on the project characteristics provided, identify five risks in this project with the highest potential to affect the SDLC process which you selected in section 1.2. In addition, give each risk a title of two to three words and create a prioritization matrix for the risks.   Avoid giving a generic response: focus on this particular system under development and its particular characteristics. Note the hints below in the section “Hints on Risks.” (up to 1 page of 12-point text)

Replace this with your five risk definitions – include title for each risk.  You may use the following framework:

Risk Title: (1) State the underlying cause (2) Identify the risk itself (3) state the potential impact should the risk materialize

2.1.1 Risk Title 1

Replace this with your response.

2.1.2 Risk Title 2

Replace this with your response.

2.1.3 Risk Title 3

Replace this with your response.

2.1.4 Risk Title 4

Replace this with your response.

2.1.5 Risk Title 5

Replace this with your response.


Complete the chart with risk titles from above.

Risk No.


Estimated Likelihood of occurrence (L: 1-10)

Estimated impact (I: 1-10)

Estimated cost of managing (M: 1-10)

Priority number (Handled in order lowest to highest)

((11 – L)*(11 – I)*M)







2.2 Selected Risk

Select one of these risks and provide as below.

Replace this with your response – Risk number and title from above.

2.2.1 Likelihood

State and explain the likelihood of occurrence of this risk. Use research to support the likelihood of this risk. (up to ½ page of 12-point text)

Replace this with your response.

2.2.2 Impact

Explain the concrete impacts on the project of this risk. Use research to support the impact of this risk. (up to ½ page of 12-point text)

Replace this with your response.

2.2.3 Risk Type

State whether the risk is primarily organizational or technical and explain. (single sentence)

Replace this with either “organizational” or “technical.”

2.2.4 Risk Management

Write an account of how you could mitigate the risk. Explain whether you are proposing risk “conquest” or risk “avoidance”.  Consider cost of management vs. impact of risk occurring as a tradeoff. Support your plan with research.  (up to 1 page of 12-point text)

Replace this with your response.

3. References based on Research

Show that you used a wide variety of resources by listing them below and clearly indicating in the body above where you used. Make sure to use proper referencing in your paper. We suggest using APA format, but other formats are fine as long as it clearly distinguishes your work from work of others in your response—be mindful of plagiarism rules.  

[1] your first reference replaces this

[2] …



Please do not include Hints section from your solution.

Hints on Process


• When you choose an interpretation, an approach, or a technique, an explanation will contribute well here towards clarity, thoroughness

• There is no such thing as a 100% “right” answer to this question. For that reason, it is important that you explain how you made your selection.

• Check for consistency.

Technical Soundness

• Understand and outline the key differences between Waterfall, RAD, and Agile processes and explain these thoroughly and clearly within the context of the scenario.  The Waterfall, Rapid Application Development (RAD), and Agile processes are referenced in module 2 Part 1.

• Note that RAD and Agile are both iterative in nature.

• Pages 5 through 17 in the textbook will help. The notes and the textbook are not identical: there are many variants on system analysis concepts, and we encourage broad reading and experimentation, this is where research comes in.

Thoroughness and Coverage

• Review your solution after completing both part 1 (Development Process) and part 2 (Risk Analysis)—you may uncover additional considerations—as well as check for consistency.

• Research similar business and different SDLC process characteristics to have a better understanding on how they compare and contrast.


• Reference the specific characteristics of the project in your justification. Don’t be generic. Explain any trade-offs you made developing your recommendation(s).

Hints on Risks


• Risk should be defined precise and to the point stating the issue, what may happen and impact.

Technical Soundness

• Show understanding between conquest and avoidance

Thoroughness and Coverage

• Use references to support risk identification, likelihood, cost of impact and cost of management.

• Make sure that you explain how you would mitigate the risk, be explicit about whether your strategy is conquest or avoidance—or perhaps a combination.

• Review your entire solution after completing it—you will uncover additional considerations. Check for consistency.


• A strong solution has to concentrate on real risks rather than on very unlikely situations.