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ECON 157 Economic Development Winter 2023


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ECON 157

Economic Development

UCI, Winter 2023

Course Code: 62445

Time: Tu 7:00-9:50 pm

Required Textbook: 

Economic Development, 12th edition, by Todaro and Smith. Pearson.                     

ISBN: 978-1292002972. Link: https://www.pearson.com/en-us/subject-catalog/p/economic-development/P200000006431/9780137614813 

Online homework and activities subscription: https://moodle.ee-learn.com/course/view.php?id=18 to register. We will be using Moodle for homework assignments, activities, and extra credit. See below for more information. For inquiries email [email protected].

Course Description & Objectives:

This course will examine the process of economic development primarily at the nation level throughout the world. Students will study important theories of development and will be expected to apply these to writing and research on a specific country. The course will attempt to address some important issues related to economic development measurement, economic growth, the difference between economic growth and economic development, the roles of markets and state in development policymaking, international trade, balance of payments and debit and financial crises, foreign finance opportunities and problems.


Lectures are designed to clearly explain the concepts covered in the textbook and how they apply to real world situations. Lectures will be recorded and posted on Canvas. Outlines of the lecture notes will be made available to students on the course website on canvas.


We will be using Moodle (most popular globally) for homework assignments. There will be one homework per chapter. The homework will be made of multiple-choice questions with unlimited attempts. Weekly homework is due the end of each week (by Saturday midnight). Note: after you click on “Finish attempt…” make sure you click on “Submit all and finish” button. No homework will be accepted after March 18th.


There will be one activity per week on Moodle. Under Activities, you will be presented with a short video covering an important topic or concept. After going over the video, please post some comments about the contents of the video. Doing these activities is fun and will help students further understand the materials. Activities to be completed weekly by Saturday midnight. No activities will be accepted after March18th.

Discussion Sections:

Due to the large class size, there will not be enough time to adequately address all questions you may have during the lectures. Thus, attending discussion sessions is essential for mastering the concepts learned during lecture. You will review important concepts and earn points towards your grade. Your TA will let you know how discussions will be handled. Discussions’ schedule is available on http://websoc.reg.uci.edu/perl/WebSoc

There will be no discussion in week 1. Discussions starts the 2nd Monday of the term.

Book Review:

Students are expected to research and select a book that deals with one of the “Development” issues covered in class. This assignment is an individual submission. The selected book must NOT be a textbook. Please see the last page for guidelines. Due date is indicated in the course outline below.  


There will be one midterm and one final. Practice questions for both exams will be posted on Canvas. These will include attempted solutions for homework questions but will extend to include more questions to help you prepare for the exams. You will also need to go over the textbook and lecture notes to well prepare for the exams. Please make any travel or other plans around the posted dates and times.

Scores will be posted throughout the term on Canvas. If you find any problem with your score, you must inform the instructor within 24 hours from the time your score is posted. After the 24-hour window, scores will not be reviewed.

Grading Breakdown:

Homework:   15%

Activities: 10%

Discussions 10%

Book Review: 20%

Midterm Exam:           20%       

Final Exam:              25%

Total Score = [HW*0.15 + A*0.10 + D*0.1 + BR*0.20 + Mid*0.20 + Final*0.25]. Curve will be determined based on the distribution of grades. 

Letter grades will be determined based on the following scale:

A ≥  93.5  > A- ≥  90

B+ ≥  86.5  > B ≥  83.5  > B- ≥  80

C+ ≥  76.5  > C ≥  73.5  > C- ≥  70

D+ ≥  66.5  > D ≥  63.5  > D- ≥  60  > F







Syllabus and intro




What’s Economic Development




Comparing Economies




Classical Theory of Development




Education, Health








Midterm Exam  Feb 7th 








Development Policymaking (state and market)




International Trade




BOP, Debt, Crises & Stabilization




Book Review Due Book Review Due

Due March 4th (Canvas)


Foreign Aid & Investment




Finance and Fiscal Policy








Final Exam March 21st 



Guidelines for Book Review:

A full book review may concern only one book. Its length is about 1500-2000 words. It should give readers an engaging, informative, and critical discussion of the work. The review should follow the Guidelines below.

The review should consider (you use as your outline):

· The intended audience for the book and who would find it useful

· The background of the author(s)

· The main ideas and major objectives of the book and how effectively these are accomplished

· The context or impetus for the book - - political controversy, implications of the book for research, policy, practice, or theory

· A comparison with other works on this subject

· Constructive comments about the strength and weaknesses of the book

The front page of your review should include:

· Your first and last name

· Your student id

· Author(s) or editor(s) first and last name(s) (please indicate if it is an edited book)

· Title of book

· Year of publication

· Place of publication

· Publisher

· Number of pages

· Price (please indicate paperback or hard cover) if available