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CISC271: Linear Data Analysis WINTER 2023


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CISC271: Linear Data Analysis


Calendar Description:

Elements of linear algebra for data analysis, including: solution of linear equations; vec- tor spaces; matrix decompositions; principal components analysis; linear regression; hyper- plane classification of vectorial data.

Detailed Description:

Linear data analysis encompasses a broad range of techniques for analysis of structured data. This course will cover techniques that address sets of data in vectors.

To test, implement, and analyze this material, we will use MATLAB as an interactive tool and programming language.  Students are expected to learn basic MATLAB on their

own. Some tutorial information will be provided early in the course. For basic material in data analytics, students can expect to be instructed in:

• organization of data into vectors and matrices

• description of vectors in a space

• minimal space descriptors

• linear relations

• spaces of solutions to linear relations

For basic material in machine learning, students can expect to be instructed in:

• linear regression

• polynomial regression

• data reduction by PCA

• SVD methods

• elementary material for artificial neural networks

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the course, a successful student will be able to:

LO1: Select and implement algorithms for vectorial data

LO2: Synthesize data and solution methods for principal-component analysis

LO3: Implement, test and evaluate methods for linear regression

LO4: Interpret and explain methods and solutions in data classification

LO5: Evaluate and critique performance of algorithms in data classification

These learning outcomes will be assessed by computer implementations, written English assignments, and tests.


We will use the text Introduction to Linear Algebra, Fifth Edition by Gilbert Strang. Earlier editions may have uncorrected errors and definitely differ in the problem sets that are found at the end of each section.

We will also use the instructor’s notes and other sources that are available through per- missions granted to the Queen’s University Library.

Grading Scheme:

Assignments A1@4%; A2, A3, A4, A5 @15% each 64%

Tests (onQ Quizzes) drop the lowest; others @9% each 36%

Due Dates see the onQ calendar for details

This course uses principles of“universal design” for tests, so academic consideration is not provided for tests.  If you experience extenuating circumstances for an assignment, please file for academic consideration with the Faculty in which you are enroled, such as the Faculty of Arts and Science.


The written assignments will based on MATLAB coding and a clear English answer to the assignment questions. The assignments will have varying numbers of marks that reflect the expected difficulty of the assignments, with easier assignments having fewer marks that contribute towards the final grade. Each assignment will be graded by a teaching assistant (TA) so a TA should be contacted first for any question regarding grading.

The policy for late assignments will start immediately after the submission deadline, with the deadline being specified in the statement of the assignment. Marks will be deducted at a rate of 20% off the maximum assignment value for each 24 hours that the assignment is late. Academic consideration for assignments will be managed on an individual basis.Short-term academic consideration for assignments will be managed on an individual basis. If short- term academic consideration is required for an assignment, you must register through your faculty portal, such as the Arts and Science portal; the portal will then inform the instructor.

Requests for re-grading of an assignment must be made within 72 hours of completion of grading, which will be determined by the time in onQ that general feedback for the as- signment is provided. This will help us to ensure that we address each student’s concerns in a timely manner. We cannot guarantee that regrading will be accomplished prior to the next upcoming assessment, such as an aligned test.

No Syllabus Changes:

The instructor will make no changes to grade calculation“if the changes will disadvan- tage any student in the class”. Accordingly, no request for re-weighting or additional work will be granted other than for extenuating circumstances as described in the Faculty policy on academic consideration.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion:

In this class, the instructor will work to promote an anti-discriminatory environment where everyone feels respected, valued and welcome. The intent is to present materials and activities that are respectful of the diversity of students and experiences in this classroom. Students in this class are encouraged to speak up and participate during class meetings. Because the class will represent a diversity of individuals, beliefs, backgrounds, and experi- ences, every member of this class is expected to show respect for every other member of this class.

Turnitin Statement:

This course makes use of Turnitin, a third-party application that helps maintain standards of excellence in academic integrity.  Normally, students will be required to submit their course assignments through onQ to Turnitin. In doing so, students’work will be included as source documents in the Turnitin reference database, where they will be used solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism.

Turnitin is a suite of tools that provide instructors with information about the authenticity of submitted work and facilitates the process of grading. Turnitin compares submitted files against its extensive database of content, and produces a similarity report and a similarity score for each assignment. A similarity score is the percentage of a document that is similar to content held within the database.  Turnitin does not determine if an instance of plagia- rism has occurred. Instead, it gives instructors the information they need to determine the authenticity of work as a part of a larger process.

Please read Turnitin’s Privacy Pledge, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service, which gov- erns users’relationship with Turnitin. Also, please note that Turnitin uses cookies and other tracking technologies; however, in its service contract with Queen’s Turnitin has agreed that neither Turnitin nor its third-party partners will use data collected through cookies or other tracking technologies for marketing or advertising purposes. For further information about how you can exercise control over cookies, see Turnitin’s Privacy Policy.

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