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MET AD599 Introduction to Python and SQL for Business Analytics Assignment #4


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MET AD599 Introduction to Python and SQL for Business Analytics

Assignment #4 – For the questions in this assignment, you will use SQLiteStudio to analyze a database. Please take screenshots of your SQL code as well as of the results (can be in the same screenshot)

1. Download SQLiteStudio from (sqlitestudio.pl)

2. Download the Chinook database from the SQLite tutorial

a. https://www.sqlitetutorial.net/sqlite-sample-database/

3. Find the structure of the ‘customers’ table by double clicking on the table name. Which column is the primary key of the table? (1 Pt)

4. How many unique customers does this music store have? (1 Pt)

5. How many states do the customers come from? Is there any missing data? (1 Pt)

6. Now let’s examine the available invoices. How many invoices does each customer have? (1 Pt)

7. Which customer (first and last name, please) has spent the most at the music store? (1 Pt)

8. Return the First name, Last name, address, city, and email for all customers who has no purchases (i.e., no invoices). If there are no such customers, return a table with these columns with blank rows. (1 Pt)

9. What is the most popular genre of music sold at the music store (measured by total number of tracks sold)? (1 Pt)