关键词 > PSTAT174/274

PSTAT 174/274: Homework # 1


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PSTAT 174/274: Homework # 1. (week 1 & 2)

NOTE: all cheat sheets referred to are provided in pdf format for you.

1.  (both 174 & 274 attempt)

Objective for the first week is to setup the following software:

• R software: R version 4.2.2 (Innocent and Trusting) has been released on 2022-10-31. https://www. r-project.org/

 Install R studio IDE: https://posit.co/download/rstudio-desktop/

• Advised: set up github account https://github.com/

• Advised: set up github desktop https://desktop.github.com/

• Advised: install git

Connect R studio to Github https://happygitwithr.com/rstudio-git-github.html

2.  (both 174 & 274 attempt)

Review the RStudio Cheat sheet.  Follow the R markdown tutorial (follow guide): https://rmarkdown.  .                   -1.rstudiocom/lessonhtml

3.  (both 174 & 274 attempt)

Now its your turn to create your first markdown in R:

• Guide: look at the Rmarkdown cheat sheet

• read in the data provided in TVC DXY, 1M.csv which contains time (ISO format), Open, High, Low, Close

• convert the time to format yyyy-mm-dd T hh:mm:ss format

• create a ts object and tibble (explore data structures

• plot the time series using various time series plotting techniques from notes.

• comment on the outcomes each time in the markdown file.

Note: there is a similar example provided in the R code example.

4.  (both 174 & 274 attempt)

Review and trial aspects of the following R studio cheat sheets: https://support--rstudio-com.netlifyapp/resources/cheatsheets/

or https://posit.co/resources/cheatsheets/

ReadR cheat sheet

• tidyR cheat sheet

• dplyR cheat sheet

• ggplot2 cheat sheet

• lubridate cheat sheet

• stringer cheat sheet

• Advanced: shiny cheat sheet

• Advanced: plumber cheat sheet

• Advanced: Devtools cheat sheet