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ACCT10002 Xero Assignment - Part 2: Introductory Financial Accounting


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Xero Assignment - Part 2: Introductory Financial Accounting

(ACCT10002_2023_SUM_PAR_2 (Online)

Xero Assignment - Part 2

In Xero Assignment Part 1, we used a hypothetical business, Xero Electrical, to explore various  features and functions of Xero. Applying what you have learned, we will now use Xero to prepare financial statements for another business, MBB Catering Services Pty. Ltd.


On January 1 2022, Michael Brown decided to leave his employment and start his own business  in providing catering supplies to food outlets. He had worked in the industry for a number of years and had established a wide range of contacts both as suppliers of catering needs and customers who required catering supplies. He plans to start small and only trade in a few products at first. THE BUSINESS IS NOT REGISTERED FOR GST, accordingly, there is no requirement to account for or include GST in any transaction.

You’re required to input the relevant transactions and adjustments for the first two months of MBB Catering Services Pty. Ltd into Xero, and produce three reports in pdf. format, which are

  Statement of Financial Performance for the period ended 28 February 2022 (with two

comparative columns, one column for the period ended 31 January, and the other one 28 February).

  Statement of Financial Position as at 28 February 2022

  Journal report from 1 January 2022 to 28 February 2022, including both manual journals and

system-generated journals.

Then, with reference to the statements, you are required to complete an online quiz.

How to access source documents and online quiz (please read carefully)

  The source documents which detail all the transactions of MBB during the month of January

and February can be downloaded from http://ta.facad.es (http://ta.facad.es)

Note: A source document captures the key information about a transaction, such as the names of the parties involved, amounts paid (if any), and the date etc.

  The cvs. files you will be using for Part 2 of the assignment can be downloaded through: IFA1

Part 2 MBB CSV files-1.zip (https://canvas.lms.unimelb.edu.au/courses/172008/files/14097403? wrap=1)   (https://canvas.lms.unimelb.edu.au/courses/172008/files/14097403/download?            download_frd=1)

  We recommend using Chrome or Firefox to access the website

  It is extremely important to log in using your Unimelb student email address (i.e.

username@student.unimelb.edu.au (mailto:username@student.unimelb.edu.au)) and Unimelb password. Please log out your personal Gmail account before opening the link.

  Check that you can log in and download your source documents PDF file as soon as possible.   Source documents are unique to you. Each student has a different set of transactions and

values on the source documents, so you cannot use another students' materials to input transactions.

  Once you have entered the transactions into Xero, checked all your work and generated the

financial statements, log on to https://ta.facad.es (https://ta.facad.es)  again to complete the quiz online before the due date.

  In the quiz, choose the option that is the closest to the answer (i.e. ignore rounding


Invitation to log in to the assignment organisation:

  By now you should have received two separate emails from Xero.

  One email is titled 'Invitation to join Part 1 Xero Electrical'.  and the other email is

titled 'Invitation to join Part 2 MBB'.

  Click the link in the email titled 'Invitation to join Part 2 MBB' to accept the invitation.   You will then be prompted to log in to your account.

All the skills and knowledge you need about Xero has been introduced to you in Part 1. Please feel free to revisit the Xero introduction course if you have any questions while completing the assignment.

Unlike the Xero Introduction Course where you were provided detailed instruction, you are required to input transactions on your own for Part 2.

Submission Requirements and due date

You are required to submit by 11pm, February 6:

1. THREE reports (in pdf. format) generated directly from Xero (Submission link is available on Canvas under Assignments’):

  Statement of Financial Performance for the period ended 28 February 2022 (with two

comparative columns, one column for the period ended 31 January, and the other one 28 February).

  Statement of Financial Position as at 28 February 2022

  Journal report from 1 January 2022 to 28 February 2022, including both manual journals and

system-generated journals.

2. Online quiz containing 10 multiple choice questions. Note that

  The link to access the quiz is https://ta.facad.es (https://ta.facad.es)

  you will only have one attempt to do the quiz.

  There is no time limit to the quiz, and you may go back to change answers to the previous

questions before submitting all your answers; however, you must complete the quiz in one sitting as long as you've clicked on the quiz link.

Assessment of your work for Part 2 will take into account 2 things

1. 11 marks - the correctness of your quiz answers (different questions will have different weightings).

2. 2 mark - an assessment of whether you have submitted financial statements which MATCH and REFLECT what you choose in the quiz questions. Your financial statements need to be

generated directly from Xero, and you need to ensure that the layout and format of your statements are presentable and understandable to financial statement users. Manually prepared statements via Excel etc. will not qualify as an acceptable submission.

VERY IMPORTANT: the whole idea of this assignment is for you to learn the software, so using  manual entries for all transactions defeats the purpose of this assignment. When marking your   assignment, we will be checking if it is demonstrated that you have tried using Xero’s in-built functions wherever possible, and if not, you will be penalised and only receive a maximum of 7.5 marks (half of the total marks) for this assignment.

Transactions that are required to be recorded using in-built functions are purchases/sales of inventory items, settlement discounts, depreciation on fixed assets and cash-related transactions. The list is not exhaustive and doesn’t include everything that can be recorded through in-built functions, but it shows the minimum requirement.

Good luck with your submissions!