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ACCT10002 Xero Assignment - Part 1: Introductory Financial Accounting


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Xero Assignment - Part 1: Introductory Financial Accounting

(ACCT10002_2023_SUM_PAR_2 (Online)

Xero Assignment - Part 1

As outlined in the subject guide, one of the assessments of the subject is to use Xero, an accounting online software package, to record and report financial information.

About Xero

Xero is a cloud-based accounting software, which is widely used by small and medium-sized        businesses in Australia and New Zealand. The ability to use Xero has become not only one of the critical employability skills required from an accounting major graduate, but also a great addition if one is to start their own business after graduation.

To get you started with the accounting software, and to equip you with the skills needed to complete your Xero assignment, in Part 1 of your Xero assignment, we have prepared

Xero introduction course. In this introduction course, you will be guided to log into                   the software, and you will have access to detailed step-by-step instruction which enables you to   get familiar with the functions of Xero before doing Part 2 of your assignment. In short,  Part 1 is a crash course to Xero!

Download the Xero introduction course

Please download the course instructions at the following link: Xero Introduction Course        Instructions_2022 Dec.pdf (https://canvas.lms.unimelb.edu.au/courses/172008/files/14097401? wrap=1) 

Please also download some csv. files you will need to use as part of Part 1 Xero Introduction Course: Part 1 Xero Electrical CSV Files-1.zip                                                                      ()  


Feel free to view the instructions on your electronic devices or print out a hard-copy, so you can refer to it while working on Part 1 Xero introduction course.

How to access the Xero introduction course organisation file

Xero introduction course is developed based on a hypothetical business, Xero Electrical. You will need to access Xero Electrical's organisation file to work through the steps listed in the introduction course.

  By the assignment release date, you should have received two separate emails from Xero.   One email is titled 'Invitation to join Part 1 Xero Electrical'.  and the other email is titled

'Invitation to join Part 2 MBB'.

  Click the link in the email titled  'Invitation to join Part 1 Xero Electrical' to accept the


  You will then be prompted to set the password and create your account (or if you already have

a Xero account, be prompted to log in directly).

  Once you set the password, make sure you set the location to be 'Australia', check the box for

T&C, and click 'Create'.

  You should then be brought to the dashboard of your Part 1 Xero Electrical organisation file.   Follow the instructions you downloaded previously to start exploring Xero.

Submission requirements for Xero Assignment - Part 1

Under 'Assignments' or 'Modules' tab, you will see a quiz titled 'Xero Assignment Part 1 Quiz'. You are required to complete the quiz by 11pm, February 6 as your submission for this part of the assignment.

  The quiz contains 10 multiple-choice questions, testing you on your understanding of content

covered in Xero introduction course. The quiz focuses on your ability to use the features of      Xero rather than the numbers you get in the financial statement, so please don't worry about   making mistakes while you work on Part 1 Xero introduction course. None of the questions will be specifically related to accounts or numbers of Xero Electrical.

You will only have 1 attempt to complete the quiz

There is a time limit of 45 minutes once you start the quiz

Answers to all questions in the quiz can be found in Xero introduction course instructions.

Completion of the quiz counts towards 2 marks out of a total of 15 marks for your

Xero assignment.

Do I have to complete the Xero Introduction Course before doing the assignment?

The answer is YES. We are releasing this introduction course to give you a head start on learning the software. It is to your own benefit that you learn the software first before applying your skills    under the assignment setting.

Completion of this introduction course counts towards 2 marks out of a total of 15 marks for your Xero assignment.

Once you have completed this Xero Introduction Course, you can move on to complete

Part 2.