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CHEM 20A - Chemical Structure Winter 2023


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CHEM 20A - Chemical Structure

Winter 2023

Instructor Information


Dr. Huiling Shao



Office Location & Hours

Young Hall 3077E,

Wednesday, 10 – noon

& by appointment

General Information

Units: 4.0


Chemical Structure is a first-term general chemistry course. We will cover topics including the basics of quantum chemistry, the nature of molecular bonding, chemical reactions, and molecular spectroscopy.


Recommended preparation: high school physics. Requisite: completion of Chemistry Diagnostic Test.

Enforced corequisite: Mathematics 31A. Not open to students with credit for course 14A.

Class Meeting Time:

MWF 9:00 am — 9:50 am, Young Hall, CS 24

Recording of the lecture will be posted on CANVAS - Media Gallery.

Teaching Assistants (TAs) (tentative)

•    Wenyu Han ([email protected])

o Dis 1H (F 10am - 10:50am), 1I (F 1pm - 1:50pm), 1D (W 1pm - 1:50pm)

•    Kijoon Bang ([email protected])

o Dis 1B (T 9am - 9:50am), 1C (W 11am - 11:50am), 1F (R 9am - 9:50am)

•    Kevin Liu ([email protected])

o Dis 1A (T 8am - 8:50am), 1G (R 1pm - 1:50pm), 1E (R 8am - 8:50am)

Learning Assistant (Logistic Head):

•    Hanxi Meng ([email protected])

Course Materials

Required Textbook

Oxtoby/Gillis/Butler  -  OWLv2, 4  terms  (24  months)  Printed Access  Card  for  Oxtoby/Gillis/Butler's Principles of Modern Chemistry, 8th| 9781305271562

This course is part of the UCLA Inclusive Access program. Your  course  materials  are  being automatically provided to you, digitally, through Bruin Learn by the first day of class or upon enrollment. The materials are being provided at a reduced and competitive price.  You will receive e-mail from the UCLA Store (UCLA Store <no-reply>@verbasoftware.com) with program details and cost sent directly to your email address on file with the Registrar.  It is your responsibility to read all communication coming from the bookstore.  Check your spam folder if not received.

Everyone enrolled in this course is automatically a participant to start and will have access to the materials through 2nd week of class.  Those remaining in the program after 2nd week will be billed for the materials directly to their  BruinBill account and will continue to have accesses to the course materials. If you do not wish to participate in Inclusive Access, you must opt-out by the Friday of 2nd week deadline or you will be billed. Those who opt-out will lose access to the digital materials and will be responsible for obtaining the materials on their own.

Do not pay for your materials through the publisher website unless you are opting out of Inclusive Access. All Inclusive Access course materials will be billed to your BruinBill account.

If you Drop the class after the opt-out date, contact the UCLA Store within 7 days after the drop

(email them at [email protected] ) with official documentation of the drop to request a refund of the course materials charges.

Any      questions      regarding      the      Inclusive     Access      program


Course Policies

Grading Scheme and Exam Dates:

Six Cengage Chapter-end homework assignments                         Ten Collaborative worksheets (in discussion sessions every week)

Midterm exam 1 (Feb 6th , Monday)

Midterm exam 2 (March 1st , Wednesday)

Final exam (Mar 21st , Tuesday)

Extra credits (surveys and activities) *

can      be      directed      to

200 points

300 points

150 points

150 points

200 points

30 points

(20%) (30%) (15%) (15%) (20%)


*Extra credits on CANVAS are not calculated correctly. They will be added to your letter grade at the end of the quarter.

Letter Grade Policy (UCLA Standard Grading Scheme)

Your total course score is converted to a percentage and your letter grade is determined using the following table. A course score of less than 60.0% is failing.

*Your letter grade on CANVAS is NOT accurate until the end of the quarter.

≥97.0        = A+ 87.0—89.9 = B+ 77.0—79.9 = C+ 67.0—79.9 = D+

93.0—96.9 = A

83.0—86.9 = B

73.0—76.9 = C

63.0—76.9 = D

90.0—92.9 = A-

80.0—82.9 = B-

70.0—72.9 = C-

60.0—72.9 = D-

Exam Policy

All exams are open book, open note. You cannot use any electronic devices (laptop/tablet/phone). You may use any kind of calculator.

Exam Weightage Policy

The class is not curved.

The grading scale may be adjusted at the end of the semester ( in your favor only). If the overall     course average is lower than a B- letter grade, all the scores will be scaled up by an equal factor. If the overall course average is higher than a B- letter grade, no further adjustments will be made.

Regrade Policy

Your graded exams will be returned through gradescope.

I provide a regrade grace period after you received your graded worksheets/exams . It means that if you notice a grading mistake on your worksheets/exams, you will have 1 week (for midterm exams) to submit your concerns to me over CANVAS/email. I will review your exam if you submit your          concerns within the regrade grace period.

You are allowed 4 regrade attempts per exam, with each regrade attempt limited to one rubric item. Additional regrade attempts are not accepted.

Missed Exams/Quizzes

It is your responsibility to be aware of all exam dates and times and ensure compatibility with your schedule. There are no make-up exams, except for serious medical emergencies.

•    In case of emergency, you will be asked to provide documentation to verify your excuse.         Appropriate documentation includes a medical excuse from student health service, a letter on a physician’s letterhead with phone number, signed and dated police report, etc. Holiday or   vacation travel cannot be accepted as an excuse. It is your responsibility to present the           instructor with the documented excuse. Submission of an excuse automatically gives consent  for its verification.

•    If you cannot take an exam for religious reasons, or for athletic training/events, it is your responsibility to contact me and to reschedule the exam BEFORE the scheduled date and time.

Tentative Nature of Syllabus

If necessary, this syllabus and its contents are subject to revision; students are responsible for any changes or modifications announced or distributed in class or posted on our course website.

Technical Requirements:


You will need to use a browser as your primary method of accessing this course. The Canvas mobile apps

should only be used as a supplement. To learn about browser compatibility with Canvas, visit the

Supported Browsers (Links to an external site.)page.

COVID- 19 Policy:

Keeping our community safe depends on each of us following the latest UCLA health and safety

guidelines. While campus policies fluctuate with shifting local, state, and national mandates, current

information is available atcovid-19.ucla.edu.

At present, each of us:

•    Is strongly recommended, regardless of vaccination status, to wear anapproved maskthat fully    covers our nose and mouth for the duration of class, office hours, or other course-related activity.

o Disposable masks are available at the Wooden Center for anyone unable to obtain a mask or who has forgotten to bring one to campus.

o Appropriate masks include two-ply woven fabric masks, surgical masks, non-woven KN95 masks, and N95 respirators.

o Please note that scarves, balaclavas/ski masks, single-layer fabric masks and neck gaiters, bandanas, and turtleneck collars are not adequate.

o For those that have a medical reason not to wear a mask, you can contact theCenter for Accessible Education(CAE) to have this exception approved and sent to instructors.

•    Must be fully vaccinated by September 9th 2022. Per the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force, unvaccinated students must comply withtwice-weekly testing.

•    Is recommended to completedaily symptom checks, regardless of vaccination status.

•    Will refrain from eating or drinking in the classroom. If you need to take a sip of water or eat something quickly for medical reasons, please step outside the room to do so.

Please stay home if sick or potentially exposed. Be assured that you will not be penalized for doing so. Email me if you need to stay home, and we will arrange for you to attend class virtually or access class recordings/notes.

Be advised that refusal to comply with current campus directives related to COVID-19 mitigation will result in dismissal from the classroom and referral to the Office of Student Conduct. If you have any  questions or concerns about UCLA’s COVID-19 protocol, go tohttps://covid-19.ucla.edu/information- for-students/; if you have any questions specific to this course, I am happy to talk further. Thank you for protecting your fellow Bruins!

University Policies

Academic Integrity

UCLA is a community of scholars. In this community, all members including faculty, staff and students alike are responsible for maintaining standards of academic honesty. As a student and member of the University community, you are here to get an education and are, therefore, expected to demonstrate integrity in your academic endeavors. You are evaluated on your own merits. Cheating, plagiarism,    collaborative work, multiple submissions without the permission of the professor, or other kinds of     academic dishonesty are considered unacceptable behavior and will result in formal disciplinary         proceedings usually resulting in suspension or dismissal. See theDean of Students website for more    information.

[source: Dean of Students syllabus statement (syllabus) ]

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities:

If you are already registered with the Center for Accessible Education (CAE), please request your        Letter of Accommodation in the Student Portal. If you are seeking registration with the CAE, please    submit your request for accommodations via the CAE website. Students with disabilities requiring       academic accommodations should submit their request for accommodations as soon as possible, as it  may take up to two weeks to review the request. For more information, please visit theCAE website , visit the CAE at A255 Murphy Hall, or contact us by phone at (310) 825-1501.

[source: Center for Accessible Education (Faculty Questions) ]

Mental Health and Wellness

Many students experience a  range of issues that can cause  barriers to  learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol/drug problems, depression, difficulty concentrating and/or lack of motivation. These mental health concerns or stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or reduce a student's ability to participate in daily activities. UCLA offers services to address these and other concerns you may be experiencing. If you or someone you know are suffering

from any of the aforementioned conditions, please contact CAPS which provides confidential mental

health services on campus. Visitwww.counseling.ucla.eduor call 310-825-0768 (available 24/7).

Resources for Students

UCLA provides resources if you are feeling overwhelmed and need personal and/or academic assistance.

Please see theRed Folder REV2020 webfor more information.

Title IX

Advocacy and Confidential Services

Please note that Title IX prohibits gender discrimination, including sexual harassment, domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.  If you have experienced sexual harassment or sexual  violence, you can receive confidential support and advocacy at the CARE Advocacy Office for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, 205 Covel Commons, Los Angeles, CA, 90095,

[email protected], (310) 206-246 5.  Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides confidential counseling to all students and can be reached 24/7  at (310) 825-0768.

Reporting and Non-confidential Services

Your professor is required under the UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment to inform the Title IX Coordinator should he become aware that you or any other student has experienced sexual      violence or sexual harassment. In addition, You can also report sexual violence or sexual harassment    directly to the University’s Title IX Coordinator, 2255 Murphy Hall, [email protected] , (310) 206- 3417. Reports to law enforcement can be made to UCPD at (310) 825-1491.