关键词 > COMPSCI1103 2103

COMPSCI 1103, 2103 Algorithm Design and Data Structures


Primary Examination, Semester 1, 2017

COMPSCI 1103, 2103

Algorithm Design and Data Structures


• Begin each answer on a new page in the answer book.

• Examination material must not be removed from the examination room.


• Foreign language paper dictionaries permitted.


Programming Fundamentals

Question 1

(a) You use the new keyword to allocate a dynamic variable and provide a pointer to that variable.

i. Where does the memory for this new variable come from?

[1 mark]

ii. Where is the pointer to the new variable stored?

[2 marks]

iii. Please explain why we do not have to manually delete local vari-ables in C++, but have to do so for heap variables allocated using new.

[2 marks]

(b) Please consider each of the following statements carefully and give the answer true or false and justify your answer.

i. Linked lists are contiguous in memory.

[2 marks]

ii. The virtual keyword on the function means that you can now overload the function.

[2 marks]

(c) What is the output of the following code fragment?

int* x,y;
x = new int;
y = 15;
*x = 25;
cout << *x << " " << y << endl;
y = *x;
cout << *x << " " << y << endl;
*x = 50;
cout << *x << " " << y << endl;

[3 marks]

(d) “In C++, the vector template class provides bound checking.” Is this statement true or false? Provide an explanation to support your an-swer.

[2 marks]

(e) Give an example of a brute-force strategy and where you might use it.

[4 marks]

[Total for Question 1: 18 marks]

Inheritance and Object Oriented Programming

Question 2

(a) The concept of polymorphism is associated with the mechanism known as dynamic binding. Please briefly explain what dynamic binding means.

[2 marks]

(b) What is a friend function?

[2 marks]

(c) Please clearly describe, in the context of C++, the difference between:

• overloading

• overriding

You may use diagrams where necessary.

[4 marks]

(d) Consider the following two classes.

class Pet
void print(); // Prints out the name of a Pet
string name;
class Cat: public Pet
void print(); // Prints out name and weight of a Cat.
double weight;

i. What problem occurs when the following statements are executed?

Note: the following operations are all legal.

Cat vcat;
Pet vpet;
vcat.name = "Bella";
vcat.weight = 3.8;
vpet = vcat;

[2 marks]

ii. Consider a different code fragment shown in the following.

Cat vcat;
Pet vpet;
vcat.name = "James";
vpet = vcat;
vpet.weight = 4.2;

Is the operation corresponding to the last statement legal? Briefly explain.

[2 marks]

iii. Please provide the modified class interfaces which make the fol-lowing code block work as expected.

void Cat::print(){
cout << "name: " << name << endl;
cout << "weight: " << weight << endl;

Pet *ppet;
Cat *pcat;
pcat = new Cat;
ppet = pcat;
ppet -> print(); // Prints out the name and weight

[2 marks]

[Total for Question 2: 14 marks]


Question 3

(a) What are the three requirements for successful recursion in C++?

[3 marks]

(b) Please explain the advantages and disadvantages of using recursion instead of an iterative approach.

[2 marks]

(c)     i. Write a recursive function int func(int n, int c) that returns the solution of function f(n) = n!+c. Please do not use any helper function.

e.g. func(4,3) = 4! + 3 = 27

[8 marks]

ii. Why does a recursive function use the stack?

[1 mark]

iii. Explain how stack memory is managed when func(4, 3) is exe-cuted.

[4 marks]

[Total for Question 3: 18 marks]

Complexity Notation

Question 4

(a) What is the definition of f(n) being in O(g(n))?

[1 mark]

(b) What is the definition of f(n) being in Ω(g(n))?

[1 mark]

(c) Please prove that n3 + 10n2 + 10000 is in Θ(n3).

[4 marks]

(d) Please prove that n3 + 10n2 + 10000 is not in O(n2).

[1 mark]

(e) Given that f(n) ∈ O(n2) and g(n) ∈ O(log n), please prove that f(n) ∗ g(n) ∈ O(n3).

[4 marks]

(f) f is a function that satisfies the following:

• is in O(n2),

• is in Ω(n),

• is neither in Θ(n) nor in Θ(n2).

Can you give an example of such a function f? Please also prove that the function you named indeed satisfies all of the above.

[5 marks]

[Total for Question 4: 16 marks]

Sorting and Searching

Question 5

(a) Please illustrate the process of sorting the list {5, 1, 6, 4, 9} using bub-ble sort.

[2 marks]

(b) Please illustrate the process of merging the two sorted lists {1, 1, 5, 9} and {4, 7, 12, 14} in mergesort.

[2 marks]

(c)     i. Given a list of n integers, you are asked to sort them in descend-ing order using quicksort. Please write down the pseudo-code of quicksort with the last element as pivot.

[5 marks]

ii. The performance of quicksort depends on the selection of the pivot value. What kind of pivot value will result in the worst-case performance? Please provide some analysis.

[2 marks]

(d) Given a list of n values of type int (sorted, in descending order), please provide the pseudo code of binary search to find out whether the value obj is in the list.

[4 marks]

(e) Consider the following sorting algorithm (called “TwoMinSort”): Let L be a list of distinct integers.

• Scan L to find the minimal value min and the second minimal value min'

• Swap the positions of min and L[0]

• Swap the positions of min' and L[1]

• Run “TwoMinSort” recursively on elements from L[2] to L[n]

Please analyze the above algorithm and state its time complexity in Big-O notation.

[5 marks]

(f) Consider the following modified version of binary search: Let L be a list of sorted values and let n be the number of elements in L:

• Check L[n/3]

• The above values determine which sublist to focus on (it should be noted that one sublist has size n/3 while the other sublist has size 2n/3)

• Run the same algorithm recursively on the sublist

What is the time complexity of the above algorithm? Please support your answer with a brief proof.

[5 marks]

[Total for Question 5: 25 marks]

Linked Lists

Question 6

Define a linked list containing n nodes as follows:

struct Node {
int data;
Node *link;

(a) What is the time complexity for adding a node at the end of the linked list? Please also provide the pseudo-code for this operation.

[4 marks]

(b) Stacks and Queues are often implemented based on linked lists.

i. What is a stack?

[1 mark]

ii. What are the common operations of the queue?

[2 marks]

iii. What does FIFO represent in the context of algorithms and data structures?

[1 mark]

(c) Given a doubly linked list, what is the time complexity for deleting a node in the middle of the linked list?

[2 marks]

(d) Please describe how to swap two adjacent elements by adjusting only the links (and not the data) using:

i. Singly linked lists

[2 marks]

ii. doubly linked lists

[2 marks]

(e) A deque is a data structure consisting of a list of items, on which the following operations are possible:

• push(x): Insert item x on the front end of the deque.

• pop(): Remove the front item from the deque and return it.

• inject(x): Insert item x on the rear end of the deque.

• eject(): Remove the rear item from the deque and return it.

How do you use the singly linked list to implement a deque which support the basic operations above to be done with O(1) complexity? Please provide C++ code segments and analysis to support your de-sign.

[8 marks]

[Total for Question 6: 22 marks]


Question 7

Define a tree node as follows:

struct Node {
int data;
Node *left;
Node *right;

(a) What is a tree in the context of algorithms and data structures?

[1 mark]

(b) What is the definition of a binary search tree?

[3 marks]

(c) Write a function bool search(struct Node *root, int obj) that takes as input a binary search tree root and a value of obj. The function re-turns whether obj exists in the tree or not.

[3 marks]

[Total for Question 7: 7 marks]

End of exam