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STAT 151 - Winter 2023


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STAT 151 - Winter 2023

Lab 1 Submission

Opened: Wednesday, 1 February 2023, 12:00 AM

Due: Friday, 3 February 2023, 9:59 PM

Proper cover page

Use "Lab Assignment Template" on eClass for proper format and appearance (lab reports must be typed)

Maximum score 10

Question 1

(a) Observational study or experiment: 2 marks

Population Inferences: 1 mark

Causal Inferences: 1 mark

(b) Table of number of facilities: 2 marks

Effect of change in the threshold value: 2 marks

Maximum score 8


Question 2

(a) R output for Summary Statistics: 2 marks

Total number of facilities: 2 marks

Sum of TOTAL: 2 marks

Mean, standard deviation, and max values: 3 marks (1 each)

Quartiles: 3 marks (1 each)

Comparison of mean and median, expected shape of distribution: 4 marks (2 each)

(b) Number and percentage of voluntary facilities in 2016: 2 marks

Percentage contribution to TOTAL: 2 marks

(c) Largest emitter and value in 2016: 2 marks

Comparison with value from part (b): 2 marks

(d) 95th percentile: 2 marks

Percentage contribution to TOTAL of top 5%: 2 marks

(e) Sums of TOTAL for each of the 18 sectors in 2016: 4 marks

Sector with the largest TOTAL sum in 2016: 2 marks

Percentage contribution of the sector: 2 marks

Pie chart for TOTAL sums for 18 sectors: 4 marks

Comments: 2 marks

(f) Properly formatted frequency histogram of TOTAL in 2016: 4 marks

Shape: 2 marks

Conclusions: 2 marks

Maximum score 50


Question 3

(a) Sum of TOTAL for all facilities with TOTAL at 100 kt or more for each year: 2 marks

Percentage increase in TOTAL: 2 marks

(b) Timeplot: 4 marks

Comments: 2 marks

(c) Side-by-side boxplot (with proper format) of TOTAL by Year: 4 marks

Summary comments about the centers, spreads, and shapes of the 13 distributions: 4 marks

Largest emitter(s): 2 marks

Progress in reducing emissions by the largest emitter(s) over the period: 2 marks

(d) Comparison: 3 marks

Information derived from one plot but not the other: 3 marks

Maximum score 28

Question 4

(a) Summary statistics: 5 marks

Fill in the table: 2 marks

Comments about change in total emissions for Oil Sands: 2 marks

Compare mean and median: 1 mark

Shape of the distribution: 1 mark

Measure of center: 1 mark

Measure of spread: 1 mark

(b) Timeplot: 4 marks

Comments: 2 marks

(c) Summaries: 4 marks

Comments using percentage changes: 3 marks

Timeplot: 4 marks

Timeplot interpretation: 3 marks

Maximum score 33