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CS400 Projects P0.Rotation


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CS400 Projects

For future projects in this course, you will be paired with class mates and together work on group  programming projects. You can let us know through this form                                                         (https://forms.gle/Naikzs18ABoj6m5E7) what your preferences for these groups are by Wednesday, Feb 1. Group projects will span multiple weeks during which you will start by working with your      group on a proposal for an application built around a key data structure. Then, each of you will      individually implement the data structure, and finally you will build the proposed application           together with your team mates.

Project 0 is most similar to the individual data structure implementation week of these future     projects: through which you independently write Java classes or methods that implement data structures or algorithms discussed in class, test your implementation to identify bugs, and work through fixing them.

Work Individually

The algorithm that you will individually implement for project 0 is a rotation on a BST. You must     develop the code for this assignment entirely on your own. If you encounter difficulties while          working, you are encouraged to discuss general algorithms and debugging strategies with anyone you would like. But you are NOT ALLOWED to view any rotation implementations of others, and   you are NOT ALLOWED to show or allow access to your implementation to anyone outside of the CS400 course staff.


1. Download the source files for the activity either through the link: RedBlackTree.java        (~cs400/RedBlackTree.java)  and SortedCollectionInterface.java (~cs400/SortedCollectionInterface.java) , or by using  wget with

wget http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~cs400/RedBlackTree.java


wget http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~cs400/SortedCollectionInterface.java

2. Create a new project folder in your preferred IDE or for your preferred editor and copy the downloaded files into it.


1. Review the contents of the

provided  RedBlackTree.java and  SortedCollectionInterface.java source files. The                   RedBlackTree class implements a regular (non self-balancing) binary search tree. This week,  you will implement tree rotations for this binary search tree. In a future project, we will extend   this class further to implement a self-balancing binary search tree called a Red-Black tree for   whose insertion algorithm you will make use of your rotation implementation from this week.    The Red-Black tree class also provides code for displaying the contents of the tree via in-order traversal (the sorted sequence of values in the tree).

2. To work on your tree rotation implementation, implement the method named  rotate to follow the rotation operations described in lecture.

3. Implement the three test methods at the bottom of the  RedBlackTree class file to convince         yourself that your rotation implementation is correct. Use examples for rotations from lecture     and make sure that you test for rotations within a tree, as well as at the root node of a tree.       Note that there are two different traversals that the tree type implements, a level order traversal ( .toLevelOrderString() ) and an in-order traversal (the iterator and  .toInOrderString() method of the  RedBlackTree class). Both methods will be helpful for testing your implementations. More details can be found in the comments of  RedBlackTree.java .

Assignment Submission

Please submit your progress in  RedBlackTree.java early and often through gradescope                 () : as a form of backup, and to get feedback from the automated grading    tests. The only file that you need to submit is  RedBlackTree.java . If you define extra classes in       other source files as part of your solution, then you should include those files with your submission as well. Your most recent submission in gradescope will be marked "active" by default, but you can change this to an earlier on-time or less buggy submission if you prefer. Ensure that your final        "active" submission for this assignment is clearly organized, consistently styled and well                 documented with comments.


Formative (12pts - you'll get immediate feedback and as many submission attempts as you need to earn these points) and summative tests (8pts - you won't receive feedback or scores for these tests until after the late deadline for the assignment has passed) on gradescope.