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FIT2094 Databases


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FIT2094 Databases

Creating, Populating and Manipulating Database - World Cruise (WC)


World Cruises books passengers on ships which host cruises. Each ship is operated by a     particular company known as the operator. Each operator is assigned an operator id as an    identifier and has the company's name and Chief Executive Officer's name recorded. A given operator may operate one or more ships. For each ship, World Cruises records a ship code  to identify the ship, the ship's name, the date the ship was commissioned, the ship's              tonnage, its maximum guest capacity and the name of the country in which the ship is           registered.

The cabins on a given ship are identified by a cabin number (such numbers may be reused across ships eg. many ships may have a cabin number 211).  World Cruises records for a    given ship, the capacity of a particular cabin and the class of the cabin (this class classifies  the quality of the experience and services available). The cabin class is one of the following: interior, ocean view, balcony, or suite.

A cruise makes use of a particular ship (a cruise only uses one ship) and departs on a         particular date and time. Each such cruise is identified by a cruise id. World Cruises records the name of the cruise, a brief description, and the duration (in days) of the cruise.

Passengers register with World Cruises when they make their first cruise booking. Each       passenger is assigned a unique id. The passenger's name is recorded as first name and      last name. World Cruise also records the passenger's gender and date of birth. If the            passenger is a minor (ie. under 18 years of age), a booking can only be accepted if another passenger on the same cruise can act as a guardian. The guardian must be identified by the system.

World Cruises record for each passenger their contact phone number, for a minor no contact number will be recorded, the contact for their guardian will be used.

World Cruises maintains a manifest for all cruises they manage. This manifest records for   each cruise, the cabin which has been allocated for each passenger (this allocation is         carried out when the passenger is booked on the cruise). All cruises board passengers only at the cruise's originating port on the scheduled departure date and time. For each              passenger taking part in a cruise, WC also records the date and time when they first           boarded the ship. Passengers may board up to 24 hours earlier than the scheduled             departure.

A model to represent this system has been developed:

The schema/insert file for creating this model (wc_schema_insert.sql) is available in the       archive ass2_student.zip - this file partially creates the World Cruise tables and populates    several of the tables (those shown in purple on the supplied model) - you should read this    schema carefully and be sure you understand the various data requirements. You must not alter the schema file in any manner, it must be used as supplied.

Steps for working on Assignment 2

1.   Download the Assignment 2 Required Files (ass2_student.zip) archive from Moodle

2.   Extract the zip archive and place the contained files in your local repository in the  folder /Assignments/Ass2. Do not add the zip archive to your local repo. Then add, commit and push them to the FITGitLab server.

3.   Run wc_schema_insert.sql

4.   Write your answer for each task in its respective file (eg. write your answer for Task 1 in T1-wc-schema.sql and so on).

5.   Save, add, commit and push the file/s regularly while you are working on the assignment

6.   Finally, when you have completed all tasks, upload all required files from your local   repository to Moodle. Check that the files you have uploaded are the correct files       (download them from Moodle into a temporary folder and check they are correct).      After you are sure they are correct, submit your assignment. Note that the filenames must not be changed - you must submit files with the same names as those             supplied in the supplied archive.

The final SQL scripts you submit MUST NOT contain SPOOL or ECHO commands (you may include them as you work but must comment them out before submission). Please carefully  read the Marking Guide on pages 11 and 12.


ENSURE your id and name are shown at the top of any file you submit.


Your work for these tasks MUST be saved in your individual local working directory (repo) in the Assignment 2 folder and regularly pushed to the FIT GitLab server to build a clear history of development of your approach. Any submission with less than eight pushes to the             FITGitLab server will incur a grade penalty of 10 marks. Please note eight pushes is a minimum, in practice we would expect significantly more.

Before submission via Moodle, you must log into the web interface of the GitLab server and ensure your files are present in your individual repo and that their names are unchanged.

TASK 1: DDL (16 marks)

For this task you are required to add to T1-wc-schema.sql, the CREATE TABLE and       CONSTRAINT definitions which are missing from the supplied partial schema script in the positions indicated by the comments in the script.

The table below provides details of the meaning of the attributes in the missing two tables.   You MUST use identical relation and attribute names as shown in the data model above to name the tables and attributes which you add. The attributes must be in the same order as shown in the model. You must use delete RESTRICT/NO ACTION for all FK constraints. These new DDL commands must be hand-coded, not generated in any manner (generated code will not be marked).

To test your code you will need to first run the provided script wc_schema_insert.sql to       create the other required tables. wc_schema_insert.sql, at the head of the file, contains the drop commands for all tables in this model. If you have problems with Task 1 and/or Task 2   simply rerun wc_schema_insert.sql which will cause all tables to be dropped and correct    the issues in your script. Do not add DROP TABLE statements to either of your Task 1 or   Task 2 scripts.

TASK 2: Populate Sample Data (24 marks)

Before proceeding with Task 2, you must ensure you have run the file wc_schema_insert.sql (which must not be edited in any way) followed by the extra definitions that you added in   Task 1 above (T1-wc-schema.sql).

Load the PASSENGER and MANIFEST tables with your own test data using the supplied T2-wc-insert.sql script file, and SQL commands which will insert as a minimum , the following sample data:

(i)      15 PASSENGER entries

●    Included at least 5 passengers who are under 18 years of age (ii)      30 MANIFEST entries

Included at least 10 passengers

●    out of these 10 passengers, at least 4 of them are under 18 years of age

Included at least 5 cruises which uses at last 3 different ships

Have at least 2 passengers who completed more than 1 cruise

Have at least 2 passengers who did not show up

Have at least 2 passengers who book future cruises

In adding this data, you must ensure that the test data thoroughly tests the model as supplied, to ensure your schema is correct.

Your inserted data must conform to the following rules:

(i)      You may treat all the data that you add as a single transaction since you are setting up the initial test state for the database.

(ii)      The primary key values for this data should be hardcoded values (ie. NOT make use

of sequences) and must consist of values below 100.

(iii)      The data added must be sensible (eg. boarding date time should be within 24 hours

before the cruise scheduled departure).

For this task ONLY, Task 2, you may look up and include values for the loaded           tables/data directly where required. However, if you wish, you can still use SQL to get any non-key values.

In carrying out this task you must not modify any data or add any further data to the tables which were populated by the wc_schema_insert.sql script.

For all subsequent questions (Task 3 onwards) you are NOT permitted to:

manually lookup an attribute/s in the database to obtain any value,

●  manually calculate values (including dates/times) external to the database, e.g. on a         calculator and then use such values in your answers. Any necessary calculations must be carried out as part of your SQL code, or

●  assume any contents in the database - rows in a table are potentially in a constant state of change

Your answers must recognise the fact that you have been given, with the supplied insert file, only a small sample snapshot of a multiuser database, as such you must operate on the      basis that there will be more data in all the tables of the database than you have been given. Your answers must work regardless of the extra quantity of this extra "real" data and the fact that multiple users will be operating in the tables at the same time. You must take this aspect into consideration when writing SQL statements.

You must ONLY use the data as provided in the text of the questions. Failure to adhere to this requirement will result in a mark of 0 for the relevant question.

Your SQL must correctly manage transactions and use sequences to generate new primary keys for numeric primary key values (under no circumstances may a new      primary key value be hardcoded as a number or value).

TASK 3: DML (24 marks)

Your answers for this task (Task 3) must be placed in the supplied SQL Script T3-wc-dm.sql

For this task you are required to complete the following sub-tasks in the same order they are listed. Where you have been supplied with a string contained in quotes, such as ‘New           Zealand Delight’ you may search in the database using the string as listed. Where a             particular case (upper case, lower case, etc.) for a word is provided you must only use that   case. When a name is supplied you may break the name into first name and last name, for   example ‘Dominik Davies’ can be split into ‘Dominik’ and ‘Davies’ , again note that the case   must be maintained as it was supplied.

(a)        Oracle sequences are going to be implemented in the database for the subsequent

insertion of records into the database for the PASSENGER and MANIFEST tables.

Provide the CREATE SEQUENCE statement to create two sequences which could    be used to provide primary key values for the PASSENGER and MANIFEST tables.  Both sequences should start at 100 and increment by 1. Immediately prior to the        create sequence commands, place appropriate DROP SEQUENCE commands so    they will cause the sequences to be dropped before being created if they exist. Please note that there can only be these two sequences introduced and used in Task 3. [2 marks]

Question 3b, 3c and 3d are related questions. You can use the information given in 3b to answer 3c and 3d

(b)       A family, consisting of a father named Dominik Daviesand his two daughters

(‘Henrietta Davies’ and Poppy Davies’ ) booked a Melbourne to Auckland’ cruise which will depart on 23 October 2022 at 10:00AM.

This is the first time the family has booked a cruise run by World Cruise. They      booked a balcony cabin number 210. Dominik’s contact number is ‘0493336312’ . Both children are under 18 years old and do not have their own contact numbers. Their father is their guardian.

Make these changes to the data in the database. You may assume that there is only one cruise named Melbourne to Auckland’ departing on 23 October 2022 at              10:00AM in the system and you may make up sensible data for the rest of attributes. This entire cruise booking should be treated as a single transaction. [8 marks]

(c)       A week later, Poppy was unwell and required a complete rest. Her father called World Cruise to change their booking for the Melbourne to Auckland’ departing on 23          October 2022 at 10:00AM cruise.

Dominik informed World Cruise that he wanted to cancel the booking for Poppy       Davies’ . He also wanted to downsize the cabin to an ocean view cabin with 2 people capacity. He and Henrietta were then assigned cabin number 113.

Make these changes to the data in the database. You may assume that Dominik Davies is only listed as a guardian for his two kids in the system. [8 marks]

(d)       A few days after the booking alteration, Dominik Davies decided to cancel the booking altogether.

Make these changes to the data in the database. [6 marks]


Your answers for these tasks (Task 4) must be placed in the supplied SQL script


The required changes must be made to the "live" database (the database after you have      completed tasks 1, 2 and 3) not by editing and executing your schema file again. Before      carrying out the work below, please ensure that you have completed tasks 1, 2 and 3 above.

If in answering these questions you need to create a table, please place a drop table statement prior to your create table statement.

(a)     WC wants to track the number of passengers booked on each cruise. Add a new

attribute in the CRUISE table to record this and initialise the attribute with the correct number of passengers based on the data which is currently stored in the system. If   there is no passenger booking for a particular cruise, then the value of this new         attribute must be set to 0.

Modify the database structure to meet this new requirement. [4 marks]

(b)     The ships used for cruises require regular maintenance. WC wish to store the ship

maintenance records from this point forward. For each ship, WC wants to store the maintenance start date, maintenance expected end date, and maintenance type.   There are three maintenance types used by WC: Preventive or Scheduled              Maintenance, Corrective or Breakdown Maintenance, and Condition Maintenance.

These types will not be expanded in the near future.

Modify the database structure to meet this new requirement. [8 marks]

(c)      WC have realised that their database model has a serious weakness; a minor may    travel with different guardians on different cruises. In the current model, if the             guardian is changed (guardian_id in the passenger table), the result will be incorrect  historical data - the previous cruise records may not refer to the correct passenger     who acted as a guardian during the cruise. To address this weakness, WC wishes to record the guardian of a minor for each cruise that the minor is booked on (i.e. record the guardian history).

Modify the database structure to meet this new requirement. Note that you must not lose current guardian details for previous cruises which are stored in the database.  You may assume that the nominated guardian in the passenger table was on board for all currently recorded cruises. [8 marks]

Submission Requirements

Due Date: Wednesday, 12th October 2022 at 4:30 PM AEDT / 1:30 PM MYT

Please note, if you need to resubmit, you cannot depend on your tutors' availability, for this reason, please be VERY CAREFUL with your submission . It is strongly recommended that you submit several hours before this time to avoid such issues.

For this assignment there are four files you are required to submit:





If you need to make any comments to your marker/tutor please place them at the head of each of your solution scripts in the "Comments for your marker:" section.

Do not zip these files into one zip archive, submit four independent SQL scripts. The individual files must also have been pushed to the FIT GitLab server with an appropriate history as you  developed your solutions (a minimum of eight pushes - 2 per file, however we would strongly recommend more than this). Please ensure your commit comments are meaningful.

Late submission will incur penalties at the rate of - 10 marks for every 24 hours the submission is late.

Please note we cannot mark any work on the GitLab Server, you need to ensure that you submit correctly via Moodle since it is only in this process that you complete the required      student declaration without which work cannot be assessed.

It is your responsibility to ENSURE that the files you submit are the correct files - we strongly recommend after uploading a submission, and prior to submitting, that you download the submission and double-check its contents.

Your assignment MUST show a status of "Submitted for grading" before it will be marked.

If your submission shows a status of "Draft (not submitted)" it will not be assessed and will incur late penalties after the due date/time.

Please carefully read the documentation under the "Assignment Submission" on the  Moodle Assessments page which covers things such as extensions and resubmission.


If you wish to resubmit your assignment you must email your tutor, provide your full details    as listed below and request that they reopen your submission for a second submission. Note if this resubmission is after the due date/time the submission will be regarded as late.

When you contact your tutor (or workshop leader) via email, please ensure you clearly include your full name, unit code and applied class number as part of every email you send so they can identify who the message has come from. This will ensure we can respond as quickly and accurately as possible.

You must NOT assume that your tutor will be available if you require a resubmission close to the due date/time - they may have classes or not be available for other reasons, so do not    leave submission to the very last minute.

Marking Guide

Submitted code will be assessed against an optimal solution for this task - this optimal           solution will be available as a sample solution after Assignment 2 has been graded. Given     that this is SQL there are often several alternative approaches possible, such alternatives     will be graded based on the code successfully meeting the briefs requirements. If it does, the answer will be accepted and graded appropriately.