关键词 > MGMT240



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The term paper will be an individual assignment that involves doing research into a particular area related  to this course and writing a term paper. You first have to choose one of the following three areas, and contact Instructor (KSN) to discuss the scope of your research topic by producing an outline of the paper.



Business Applications

Commercial applications of AI. New business models. Application of AI into ONE area of industry (e.g. Transportation, law enforcement, healthcare, etc.)

Legal / Ethical

Legal and/or ethical issues related to AI and related sub-topics. Looking into what the future society in 2030 would look like with more advanced AI.


Any technology areas  related to AI  and  related sub-topics.  E.g.  machine learning, deep learning, how a certain AI technology works

Q:  Who is the supervising instructor for the term paper?           A:  KSN.

Q:  Am I allowed to span across more than one of the areas?

A:  Yes, if you wish to, you can span across two of the three areas in the table above; as long as you adhere to the word limit guidelines.

Q:  Can I include graphics into my paper?

A:  Yes, you should include relevant graphics to better illustrate your points.

Q:  What is the word count?

A:  The word count guideline is 1500 to 1800 words. If you wish to, you can go up to 1900 words.

Q:  What Admin details should I take note of?

A:  Every paper must show your full name, the course code and name, a clear title for the term paper, page numbers, and the word count indicated at the end. Citations are to be listed in APA format. A table of contents is NOT required.

Q:  What is the formatting guideline?

A:    Font  used  should  be  either Arial  or  Calibri,  size  12.  Line  spacing  should  be  at  least  1.15. The file submitted can be in either Word or PDF format.

Q:  When is the submission deadline?

A:  All assignment deadlines are indicated in LMS-Assignments.

Q:  How do I maximize my grade for this assignment?

A:  Please refer to the Rubric.

A grade

B grade

C grade

•    Extensive research work done

•    Very good articulation of the scope

    Excellent and thorough analysis

    Excellent writing style that     makes reading very enjoyable.

•     No cut-and-paste. Excellent paraphrasing.

•     Excellent use of graphics to    illustrate/complement the text

    Sufficient research work done

•    Clear articulation of the scope Good analysis

•    Good writing style that gets the message across clearly.

•     Little cut-and-paste with good paraphrasing.

•    Some use of graphics to         illustrate/complement the text

•    Partial research work done

    Content barely covered the intended scope of the paper.

•    Analysis is average

    Writing style makes the paper difficult to read.

•    Text is mostly cut-and-paste with little paraphrasing.

•     No attempt to use graphics to better illustrate the text