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BIOL10008 Introductory Biology: Life’s Machinery


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BIOL10008 Introductory Biology: Life’s Machinery

Activity sheets for Tutorials 8, 9 (Module 4)

Multicellularity: challenge questions – easier

These questions are sorted by increasing difficulty.  Record your answers using full sentences.

1. Multicellular animals have many advantages over single celled organisms. Describe the fluids that help to maintain each cell in the body of a multicellular animal, and an advantage of this maintenance.  (2 minutes thinking, 4 minutes writing)

To check your answers, see Key Concept 1.1, Chapter 1 and Key Concept 48.1, Chapter 48 in Hillis et al. (12th ed): Life.

2. Describe how multicellular animals ensure that every cell has an adequate supply of oxygen.  (2 minutes thinking, 4 minutes writing)

To check your answers, see Key Concept 48.1, Chapter 48 in Hillis et al. (12th ed): Life.

Multicellularity: challenge questions on animals – easier

These questions are sorted by increasing difficulty.  Record your answers using full sentences.

1. Describe the structure of each vessel type within the mammalian circulatory system.  Explain the functional significance of each structure.  (1 minute thinking, 3 minutes writing)

To check your answers, see Key Concept 48.4, Chapter 48 in Hillis et al. (12th ed): Life.

2. Explain the mechanisms and processes involved in mammalian gas exchange.  State where convection and diffusion take place, and describe how Fick’s Law is relevant for these exchange surfaces.  (2 minute thinking, 4 minutes writing)

To check your answers, see Key Concept 47.1, Chapter 47 in Hillis et al. (12th ed): Life.

3. Compare the circulatory systems in the vertebrates: amphibians, birds, fishes, mammals. In your answer, briefly describe the evolution of vertebrate circulatory systems.

To check your answers, see Key Concept 48.2, Chapter 48 in Hillis et al. (12th ed): Life.

4. Describe the stages of early embryonic development (embryogenesis) in animals.  In your answer, briefly explain the terms cell fate establishment, cellular differentiation, and morphogenesis, and indicate at what stage in embryogenesis they occur.

To check your answers, see Chapter 42 in Hillis et al. (12th ed): Life.

Multicellularity: practice exam question on circulation

This is a practice exam question.  It is worth 10 marks, and thus you should spend 10 minutes writing a response.  Record your answers using full sentences.  

Briefly compare no-, open- and closed-circulatory systems.  Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each.  For each circulatory system, provide an example animal.

To check your answers, see Key Concept 48.1, Chapter 48 in Hillis et al. (12th ed): Life.

Multicellularity: challenge questions on plants – more difficult

These questions are sorted by increasing difficulty.  Record your answers using full sentences.

1. Describe the uptake of water in plant roots.  In your answer, describe the role of the Casparian strip.  (1 minute thinking, 2 minutes writing)

To check your answers, see Chapter 33 in Hillis et al. (12th ed): Life.

2. Using an example, describe how multiple tissue types are involved in the construction of a plant tissue system.  Describe how each tissue type contributes to the function of that tissue system. Note: choose a system other than the dermal tissue system, e.g., the ground or vascular tissue systems.  (2 minutes thinking, 4 minutes writing)

To check your answers, see Chapter 32 in Hillis et al. (12th ed): Life.

3. Describe the stages of early embryonic development (embryogenesis) in plants.  In your answer, briefly explain the terms cell fate establishment, cellular differentiation and morphogenesis, and indicate at what stage in embryogenesis they occur.

To check your answers, see Chapter 32 in Hillis et al. (12th ed): Life.