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Information Technology B


Assessment Notice

Information Technology B

Summer Semester

Type of Task: Final Examination

Date of Notification: 19 May 2021

Due Date / Time of Assessment: Thursday 3 June 2021 / 5:15pm to 6:45pm (Sydney time) plus 5 minutes for IRIS Identification Process

Time Allowed: 95 minutes

• IRIS Identification Process: 5mins

• Game: 60mins

• Python: 30mins

Location: At Home

Topics Covered: Game Design & Development and Python Programming

Weighting: 40%


The final exams will be delivered entirely online through Study Smart and IRIS Invigilation.

The exams consist of a variety of multiple-choice questions, matching word questions, missing word questions and written response questions.

Both exams are sequential in navigation, meaning you must progress through the quiz in order and may not return to previous pages nor skip ahead.

1. The first part of the ITB Final Exam has questions about Game Design & Development taught by Carli. These questions assess your ‘skills’ using the Unity Game Editor and Unity Scripting. You are not allowed to open Unity during this section of the exam.

2. The second part of the ITB Final Exam has questions about Python Programming taught by Vladimir; similar to the questions you had on the ITB Python Quizzes and the Week 7/8 Exam. You are allowed to use the official Runestone Interactive online textbook (with all your work) and IDLE (without previously saved programs).

You cannot use any other devices or digital and printed resources.

You must be looking straight into your screen for the duration of the exam.

Marking Criteria:

Game Design & Development: 20%

Python Programming: 20%

Academic Integrity:

Cheating will result in a penalty

• 1st offence = 0 for task

• 2nd offence = 0 for coursework

• 3rd offence = 0 for that subject

Absence from an exam:

A ZERO (0) will be awarded for a missed Examination. If the absence is due to illness a Medical Certificate must be submitted to sit a Post exam or receive an estimate. Australian Medical Certificates may be obtained from https://www.doctorsondemand.com.au or https://www.medinet.com.au/.

• The Medical Certificate must cover the date of the exam and include a contact number of the Doctor for verification.

• Medical Certificates are to be submitted within 3 working days of the missed exam & sent to [email protected]

Outcomes Assessed:

K1 knowledge and understanding about how software solutions utilise and interact with other elements of computer systems

K2 knowledge and understanding of the historical developments that have led to current practices in software design and development, and of emerging trends and technologies in this field

K3 knowledge and understanding of legal, social and ethical issues and their effect on software design and development

S1 skills in designing and developing software solutions

S2 skills in management appropriate to the design and development of software solutions

S3 skills in teamwork and communication associated with the design and development of software solutions

CLO4 Demonstrate effective planning and decision making within problem contexts

CLO8 Use technology appropriately to solve problems and to present information to other people

CLO9 Apply creative as well as analytical ways of thinking about questions

H1.1 explains the interrelationship between hardware and software

H1.2 differentiates between various methods used to construct software solutions

H1.3 describes how the major components of a computer system store and manipulate data

H2.1 explains the implications of the development of different languages

H2.2 explains the interrelationship between emerging technologies and software development

H3.1 identifies and evaluates legal, social and ethical issues in a number of contexts

H3.2 constructs software solutions that address legal, social and ethical issues

H4.1 identifies needs to which software solutions are appropriate

H4.2 applies appropriate development methods to solve software problems

H4.3 applies a modular approach to implement well-structured software solutions and evaluates their effectiveness

H5.1 applies project management techniques to maximise the productivity of the software development

H5.2 creates and justifies the need for the various types of documentation required for a software solution

H5.3 selects and applies appropriate software to facilitate the design and development of software solutions

H6.1 assesses the skills required in the software development cycle

H6.2 communicates the processes involved in a software solution to an inexperienced user

H6.3 uses and describes a collaborative approach during the software development cycle

H6.4 develops and evaluates effective user interfaces, in consultation with appropriate people