关键词 > MBB7009M

MBB7009M Marketing and Data Analytics ASSIGNMENT 2


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Marketing and Data Analytics

Assignment Description

This individual assignment, you will develop a report which will be comprised as a word document with a variety of graphs, charts, figures and critical paragraphs, underpinned by appropriate theories, concepts and models, address the topic of:

‘Critically discuss, analyse and evaluate the key data requirement for the organisation for a select marketing activity’

You will submit two items for this assessment: a. the artefact, b. a written report which will be a reflection of your learning.

a) Your artefact can be any of the following, but is not limited to:

! simple software to demonstrate the use of data,

! a data based graphic design or illustration,

! a cartoon construction and story board,

! a poster with an exceptional data visualisation,

! a conceptional data model,

! …

Artefact guidance:

! You can identify one key area of marketing such as:

Segmentation, promotion, pricing, product, branding, channel management, customer loyalty, customer acquisition and the like and discuss such key issue from different perspectives.

! Identified issues, from previous submission, include:

The role of data in decision making, types of data and data sources, identifying the 'right data and analysis', impact of improper data understanding "illustrating data rich knowledge poor"

! You can also include more than one issue in the artefact and try to explore the connections between these.

! Your artefact should self-explain (can have pin-ups to detail) the idea, approach to data, analytics to be performed, expected results, and how these can be used as knowledge to leverage competitive advantage.

! You can use one case study to explore the identified issue in a great detail or using multiple examples to further the understanding of the marketing function.

b) Your reflection report should include, but is not limited to, the importance of data-based decision making in building competitive advantage to the firm. The paper should critically discuss the outlined issue(s) from different perspectives. Examples may be used to further the analysis or idea reflected in the artefact. Remember to identify how data is sourced, organised, analysed and yields results for competitive advantage.

You can either use self-generated data or data from utilising a range of databases and you will analyse, compare and contrast your chosen company / case study to analyse their financial performance, assess company risks and essentially analyse the company’s competitive environment. From your findings you can analyse the market and conduct independent research on the external market environment that has influenced and impacted the organisation.

Your essay should critically present the need for data analytics for strategic advantage and demonstrate your understanding of the use and need for such a system in any organisation to enhance the marketing function.

Additional Information

Further information is provided on Moodle and throughout the modules’ workshops.

This report will incorporate a range of graphs, charts, figures and written work. Which should all be presented on one Microsoft Word Document.

Cite Them Right Harvard Referencing should be used.

Please refer to the ‘Assignment 2 Guidance and Advice’ document, for formatting and structure suggestions (especially title numbering and hierarchy, table of contents and figures, etc.)

A front cover sheet (provided on Moodle) should be attached to the beginning of your report.

Your student number / name must appear on all pages.

Pages must be numbered.

Work should be submitted to the requested link available on Moodle.

You are required to add the following statement on page 2 of the assignment: I [name] declare that I am the sole author of this assignment and the work is a result of my own investigations, except where otherwise stated. All references have been duly cited”.

Font should be either Times New Roman or Arial, font size of 12. Spacing 1.3 and normal margins, justified alignment with hyphenation.

The assignment should be Microsoft Word processed for submission.

Assessment Regulations

Your attention is drawn to the University policy on cheating and plagiarism. Penalties will be applied where a student is found guilty of academic misconduct, including termination of programme (Policy Link).

You are required to keep to the word limit set for an assessment and to note that you may be subject to penalty if you exceed that limit. You are required to provide an accurate word count on the cover sheet for each piece of work you submit (Policy Link).

For late or non-submission of work by the published deadline or an approved extended deadline, a mark of 0NS will be recorded. Where a re-assessment opportunity exists, a student will normally be permitted only one attempt to be re-assessed for a capped mark (Policy Link).

An extension to the published deadline may be granted to an individual student if they meet the eligibility criteria of the (Policy Link).