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FIT1050 Web Fundamentals Extreme Sports Club


FIT1050 Web Fundamentals

Assignment 3 – Individual Website Development

Extreme Sports Club

Using a website template, develop a single page desktop website that promotes a fictional extreme sports club. Think carefully about the target demographic of the site and type of information that the site should provide. The design of the site should be professional with a combination of text and media content.

Use of Website Templates

You must develop your website using one of the website templates available on the following website:


You can only select a template from the OS Templates "Free Website Templates" section.

Note: Template downloads are in 7-zip format. You may need additional software to unzip the file.

Use your code editor and Chrome’s DevTools to customise the template to suit the requirements of your site. Customisations should include content, structure, and visual design modifications.

● Change all text and image content in the template.

● Add, remove, and rearrange content sections within the template.

● Modify colours, backgrounds, and fonts to change the visual design.

Some of templates may include responsive layout code for mobile devices. Your completed site only needs to work when the site is tested at the desktop resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. You must test your HTML code for validity.

You must also demonstrate a basic understanding of client-side scripting by researching and implementing at least 1 useful interactive feature using JavaScript code. You may either write original code (e.g. based on tutorial activities from this unit) or make use of downloaded third-party scripts.

The website must be uploaded to a web host for final testing. Server-side scripting is not required.

Site Content Guidelines

Your website can contain fictional information about a sports club that allows people from a community to learn about an extreme sport activity and participate in club events.

The extreme sport played by members of the club can be real or fictional. If you invent a fictional sport, think carefully about how you can convey information about it using photos/illustrations. For example:

● Local community scuba diving club

● Competitive college laser tag tournament

● Zero-gravity space-baseball for astronauts

Downloaded images should have a Public Domain or Creative Commons copyright licence. Images with a different license type must list clear license terms that allow free commercial use. Other unlicensed images are not allowed (check with your tutor if you are unsure).

All media content must be appropriately optimised for web delivery. Aim to only transfer a maximum of 25MB of resources when your page loads.

Supporting Documentation

Write a short report that of no more than 750 words justifying 5 important decisions you made when designing the website.

The report should contain the following information:

● An overview of your site topic and purpose

● The specific target demographic that the site is designed to appeal to.

 The URL where your hosted website can be accessed online

● Justification of the important website features for each of the following design considerations:

1. Site content

2. Visual design style

3. Information architecture

4. Accessibility

5. User interaction

Your report must include a reference page that lists all non-original resources used in the site. This includes:

● The website template that the assignment is based on

● All non-original text and media content

● Third-party linked resources, including fonts and code libraries

● Researched code, including downloaded scripts and online tutorials.

Formal referencing style is not required. References may be in the form of a title/filename and source URL. References are not included in the report’s word count limit.

Marking Criteria (25%)

● Understanding of brief, including client and user requirements

● Development of site content and information architecture

● Application of design principles and JavaScript interactivity

● Demonstrated understanding of web technologies and optimisation

● Documentation (including asset references), web hosting

Due: Friday Week 12, 8:00PM

● Upload your completed website to a web host so that it can be tested online

○ Ensure image assets are appropriately optimised for web delivery

○ Include the URL for your hosted website in your documentation.

● Upload your completed assignment to Moodle as a single ZIP file that contains:

○ A "site" folder containing all files required to view your website

○ A "report.pdf" file containing your supporting documentation