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FIT1050 Web Fundamentals Marking Guidelines


FIT1050 Web Fundamentals

Assignment 3 – Individual Website Development

Marking Guidelines

Marking Criteria Breakdown

The following criteria will be used for the assessment of submissions for this assignment task.

  Understanding of
  brief, including client
  and user requirements
  Overview of site
  purpose and target
  specific detail.
  Relevant justification of
  important website
  features in 5 specific
  Justifications consider
  theory as well as
  user/site requirements.
  Development of site
  content and
  All text and images on
  the page have been
  Content grouped and
  labelled to make
  information easy to
  Sensible navigation
  menu design (if any), or
  content order for easy
  Application of design
  principles and
  Colours and typography
  modified, applies visual
  design principles
  No serious accessibility
  issues. (readable text,
  image alts, click targets)
  Useful JavaScript been
  added to the page and
  works without error.
  understanding of web
  technologies and
  HTML has been edited.
  Parts added, removed,
  and re-arranged.
  The design works when
  tested at 1920x1080.
  No notable CSS issues.
  Site folder under than
  25MB. Images are
  optimised appropriately.
  (including asset
  references), web
  Report is structured well
  with clear headings. 750
  words or less.
  References are
  complete. Images have
  appropriate licenses.
  Hosted website URL
  provided. Site loads
  successfully using URL.

Assessment Policy and Penalties

1. Each day, or part thereof, an assessment task is overdue, a late penalty of 10% of the available total marks applies up to a maximum of seven days.

2. Assessment tasks submitted more than seven days after the due date will receive a mark of zero for that task and may not receive feedback.

3. Other violations of assessment instructions stated in the assignment brief may be subject to 10% penalty of the available total marks. Examples of assessment instruction violations include:

Use of a template from a source different to the once provided in the assignment brief.

Submission of the assignment using a method or format different to what has been outlined in the assignment brief without prior approval from your tutor.

Extensions and other individual alterations to the assessment regime will only be considered using the Faculty Special Consideration Policy. Students should carefully read the Special Consideration website, especially the details about what formal documentation is required.