

Summer 2021

All aspects of this course will be conducted online so let’s begin by reviewing the necessary ground rules. Your registration in the course implies that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by, these regulations.

Time Zone

All dates and times referred to during the semester are in the Atlantic Time Zone (local time in Prince Edward Island). Please note that it is your responsibility to convert your time zone to Atlantic Time should you be in another part of the world.

Computing requirements

You will require a desktop or laptop computer - a smartphone is not sufficient. The course content will be delivered via videos and you will complete the assessments online so a stable internet connection is a must.


All materials that you receive or use during the course are copyrighted and may not be shared or distributed in any way. Please note in particular that it is strictly forbidden to post questions from any part of the course to a third party forum, or website such as Chegg.

Permissions during assessments

When working on tests or the final exam, you may access only those materials from the course, namely the video lectures and the text. You are not permitted to use any other resources, online or otherwise. (These restrictions do not apply when working on the homework assignments although even there I would suggest that you use external resources sparingly.)

Your work and communicating with others

Any work that you submit, whether it be for a homework assignment, test, or final exam, must be your work and only your work. You are not permitted to work with or communicate with anyone during the tests and final exam. You may seek help from others (fellow students or me, for example) for the homework assignments but the work that you submit must be your own. Please note that posting questions to third-party forums or viewing unauthorized content during a test or exam are both considered to be instances of academic dishonesty.

My communications with you

I will communicate with you frequently using e-mailed announcements on Moodle. Please ensure that you are receiving and reading them!

When you are expected to be available

As this course is online, you will do most of the work on your own time. The times when I expect you to be available are a subset of those times scheduled for the course, namely,

• the 4 tests which will be held during class time on May 27, June 3, June 15, and June 24, and

• the final exam which will be held during class time on June 29.

The Workbook

The Workbook is a 180-page document containing all the material, examples, etc that we will study in class. Please obtain your own copy of the Workbook

• by downloading the pdf file from the course Moodle page, or

• by purchasing a printed and spiral bound copy from the UPEI Bookstore.

During the video lectures, we will work through the examples in the Workbook. I strongly encourage you to print out your own copy (or perhaps to have it on a tablet) and to fill it in as you watch the videos. Research has shown that we learn more effectively by writing notes by hand so I will not be posting a “filled-in” version of the Workbook.


The lectures will be presented through (unlisted) videos on YouTube. I will provide the links on Moodle and they will be posted in the section corresponding to the week in which I suggest you watch the video. You may, of course, watch these videos whenever you wish, but please make sure that you do not fall behind with the course.

Live meetings via Google Meet

As indicated above, the course material will be delivered through videos which you can watch anytime. It would be helpful, however, to meet together in real time to discuss the course. The plan is to meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the scheduled class time.

To attend these sessions, simply log on to Google Meet using your UPEI account and then join the meeting by entering the nickname “math1110”.

Homework Assignments

You will complete and submit your homework assignments using the Webwork system.

• There will be two assignments due each week at 10:00 pm on Wednesdays and Fridays, beginning on May 21st and ending on June 25th.

• I am not willing to extend deadlines for assignments so please do not leave them until the last minute.

• You do not have to do the assignment in one sitting - the system saves your work after every completed question so you can return to the homework as often as you wish. If you do not finish all the questions by the deadline, the system will give you credit for the work you have done.

• Please refer to the document “How to use the WeBWorK system” on Moodle for more details.

• The final grade for the homework will be the average of your best 10 out of 11 marks.

Tests and Final Exam

There will be 4 tests (May 27, June 3, June 15, June 24) and a final exam on June 29. These will be all be done on Moodle. The tests will be one hour in length and will be held during the scheduled class time.

The final examination will cover the entire course and will also be done on Moodle.


Your final grade for the course will be calculated as follows.