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CSC70204 Big Data in the Digital World


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CSC70204 Big Data in the Digital World

Assignment (20%)

Due date: 29 Jan 2023


For this question, use the dataset: gapminder. One country from the dataset have been allocated to each student (kindly refer to mytimes).

a.    Briefly explain the data and the variables.                                                [2 marks]

b.    Plot and explain the data of gdp per capita of the country that was assigned to you. [6 marks]

c.     Extract the values of gdp per capita greater than US$ 200 for the country. The table must   include year, population and gdp per capita and the values must be arranged in descending order of gdp per capita. Explain the findings.        [6 marks]

d.    Create a new variable Pop_type for the country. This variable represents the population but is categorised into 2 levels: low (less than 2 million), and high (more than 2 million). Then plot an appropriate graph for the new variable for the country . Explain the findings.    [8 marks]

e.    Plot the life expectancy for the country and explain the findings.    [4 marks]

f.     Interpret the descriptive statistics for gdp per capita for the country. Explain why the gdp per capita is such for the country. (Hint: you need to do some reading to do this part of the question).                    [8 marks]

g.    Create a new variable, gdpPercap_month for the years 2002 and 2007, whereby the gdpPercap will be converted from years to months.  Show in the form of a table and ensure that the new   variable is in an ascending order. Explain the findings.                             [6 marks]

h.    Do a write up on the income, population and the life expectancy of the country assigned to you over the past years until the current year. You need to align your write up with the economy of the country and where it stands as compared to the other countries/neighbouring countries . [10 marks]