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COMP1101 Programming (Black) Summative Assessment 1


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COMP1101 Programming (Black) Summative Assessment 1

Term 1 Programming Exercise Outline

• Submission of code and video by 14:00 26 January 2023

• Submission of peer reviews by 14:00 9 February 2023

•  Return by 23 February 2023

• Contributes 50% of module marks

• Includes peer review feedback which you will be allocated

• This is an individual piece of work

Subject-specific Knowledge

• Interaction between JavaScript programs and the Document Object Model (DOM)

•  Using control statements to loop and make decisions

• An understanding of the nature of imperative programming in the object- oriented style

• A knowledge and understanding of good programming practice (for ex- ample, reuse, documentation and style)

•  Building collections of data within a program and using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

•  Making programs robust through the use of exceptions and exception handling

• A knowledge and understanding of good programming practice (for ex- ample, reuse, documentation and style)

Subject-Specific Skills

• an ability to realise solutions to problems as working JavaScript programs

• an ability to apply reuse by exploiting predefined components

• an ability to use software tools related to programming (programming environments, code management, documentation tools, etc.)

Key Skills

• an ability to communicate technical information

• an ability to recognise and apply the principles of abstraction and mod- elling

Task summary

• Construct a dynamic web site for an application of your choosing

•  Use static HTML pages loading dynamic JSON content from server via AJAX

• Server written in nodejs to provide JSON through REST API

•  Prepare a 2 minute video demonstrating your code

•  Do a code quality review of four other submissions

Dynamic web site

• Choose any application domain as long as it includes at least two kinds of entity e.g.






• Could be e.g. club, social, health, gallery

• If you are not sure then ask me

Static HTML loading JSON via AJAX

• ‘Single page app’: page content loaded as JSON via AJAX

• Can have more than one page e.g. for user and admin

• Should provide clean and simple User Experience (UX)

• Should be responsive i.e. work well on desktop and mobile

•  Recommend using front-end framework such as Bootstrap, Foundation

Message sequence chart

Server provides JSON through a REST API

Each entity type (e.g. picture) has

• GET method to list/search (returns a list of ids and names)

• GET method for individual details (includes details of related entities)

•  POST method to add new entity

•  Document your API in the style of the Twitter API

•  Response provided as JSON

• Content-type needs to be correct

•  HTTP codes should be correct: use 200, 400 or 403 (if using authentica- tion)


Figure 1: Message Sequence Chart showing Client server interaction with AJAX

Server written in nodejs

•  Use npm for management

•  Make sure you use save or save-dev option with packages you add

• Write jest test cases: run with npm  test

•  Use eslint: run with npm  run  pretest

•  Recommend using express


Source code (all zipped)

•  HTML and CSS and any media

• Client and server side JavaScript

•  package.json including test and pretest scripts

•  .eslintrc

• jest test cases e.g. app.test.js

• documentation of API

• demonstration video

Should not include node_modules in submission

Assessment Criteria

Equally weighted 9% each

• Client-side functionality

• Client-side quality

• Server-side functionality

• Server-side quality

• Video presentation

Client-side functionality criteria

•  User Experience (UX): clean layout and minimal clicks/entry required

• App complexity: entities can be listed and edited

• ‘Single page’style: asynchronous updates

• Staff reviewed

Client-side quality criteria

• Standards compliant (HTML5)

•  Responsive to different viewport sizes

• Gracefully handles server disconnection

  useful error messages

  recommences on server restart

•  Peer reviewed; staff moderated

Server-side functionality criteria

•  More than one entity type, with relationships

•  REST API provides each entity with appropriate GET/POST methods

• Installs with npm  install

• Starts with npm  start

• Staff reviewed

Server-side quality criteria

• Successful eslint (run with npm  run  pretest)

• Successful jest tests with good coverage (run with npm  test)

• Testing includes content-type and HTTP code

• Completeness of API documentation

•  Peer reviewed; staff moderated

Video Presentation

• Submit a 2 minute (max) video demonstrating your software

• Include demonstration of how to start the program

• All functionality will be assessed by what is demonstrated in the video

• If it is not demonstrated in the video, you will not get a mark for it

• Quality of video presentation will be marked separately from functionality:

  Structure; Visual Presentation; Audio explanation

•  Lose 10% of marks for every 10 seconds over 2 minutes

• Staff reviewed

Peer Review Marking

5% of the module marks are awarded for peer assessment

•  2 marks for completion of four peer reviews

• 3 marks for the accuracy of the reviews

• Accuracy is based on agreement with peers

• Accuracy marks deducted for being over-harsh and over-generous

• The average student tends to get about 65%

• 65% is on the good/very good boundary of the marking conventionsp15

How to do the assignment

•  Design HTML

•  Design web service

• Join with Fetch

•  Read the FAQ