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Coursework 3 (a) – To be answered as a canvas quiz


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Coursework 3 (a)  To be answered as a canvas quiz

1)   You are required to submit a .zip file containing all your source files, the .zip file is required  to be titled as your student number failing to do this will be considered not meeting basic requirements. If your application does not meet these basic requirements it will be               considered not working code . Following guidelines to the letter is an essential skill for a web developer and software engineer. Source files alone will not be assessed, you must also        complete the rest of this test.

2)   You are required to submit an up to 180 second video which evidences the rubric rows          “Progress”, “User Presence” and Working with Data” . If aspects are not shown in the video, you will not receive marks for them. You may want to show code in your video.

3)   At what time does your video evidence: Student has a web application which shows a list of items in a database, formatted appropriately, with no major bugs. [3 marks]

4)   At what time does your video evidence: The web application allows users to comment on existing items in the database . Those comments are stored and displayed alongside the    items. [4 marks]

5)   At what time does your video evidence: A CSS framework and pagination are used to present the data effectively [4 marks]

6)   At what time does your video evidence: AJAX is used to post comments to items. [4 marks]

7)   At what time does your video evidence: A modern web application has been created which uses features of Laravel or JavaScript beyond what was taught in lectures.  [5 marks]

8)   At what time does your video evidence: Users can log into the web application [3 marks]

9)   At what time does your video evidence: Items and comments are clearly linked to the user who posted them. Clicking on a user's name takes you to a view with all their posts and      comments listed. [4 marks]

10) At what time does your video evidence: There are multiple levels of authorisation (user      roles) in the web application which have significantly different permissions to edit content. [4 marks]

11) At what time does your video evidence: Users can only edit items and comments which they themselves posted, unless a role permits them.  [4 marks]

12) At what time does your video evidence: Users get sent notifications when someone else interacts with their post or comment. [5 marks]

13) At what time does your video evidence: Student has a web application which allows users to create and edit items with no major bugs. [3 marks]

14) At what time does your video evidence: The student demonstrates that validation has been implemented when users enter data on a controller they have implemented independently. (i.e . not user login page) [4 marks]

15) At what time does your video evidence: Student shows evidence of correctly implementinga

(1) one to one relationship, (2) one to many relationship and (3) many to many relationship. [4 marks]

16) At what time does your video evidence: Users can upload images which are displayed with their posts. [4 marks]

17) At what time does your video evidence: Polymorphic relationships are correctly implemented and used appropriately. [5 marks]

Coursework 3(b)  To be submitted as a pdf to turnitin

1)   Give an example along with screenshots of some code you have implemented yourself . [6 marks]

2)    Provide a screenshot of your git commit history here [8 marks]

3)    Explain the concept of MVC referencing source files in your implementation by providing screenshots . [8 marks]

4)   Write a reflection on how well your web application meets the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2 requirements, include screenshots [8 marks]

5)    Explain how you have designed a service container which communicates with an external      API, with reference to screenshots of your source code . Include an explanation of the service container concept and why it is useful for communicating with an external API. [10 marks]

Rubric Used to Design Questions