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Chemistry IA – Analysis Template


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Chemistry IA – Analysis Template


Raw Data Table(s):

· Record all measurements.

o Even if your method says “Measure 4.00 ± 0.01 g”, write down what was actually measured

o Be sure uncertainty matches reported measurements (ie. 25.00 ± 0.01 cm3 NOT 25 ± 0.01 cm3 or 25.05 ± 2 cm3)

o If one of your controls was temperature or pressure, include these values as raw data.

· Organize all data in tables with appropriate titles (titles should be descriptive)

o Include uncertainty and units only once in each column heading

§ Note:  all temperature probes: ±0.5˚C

§ Note:  pH probe: ±0.1

o All values must have appropriate sig figs

· If your raw data includes many graphs, only one needs to be included as a sample.

· Must include some qualitative observations.

Processing Data:

· Show one sample calculation for each ‘type’ of calculation you do

o Identify variables (ex. n(acid) = 0.1 x 0.025

n(acid) = 0.0025 mol)

o Consider subtitles to identify each stage of the calculation

o After the one sample calculation, include a table of all processed data for all trials (including propagated uncertainty for each number)

· Propagate all uncertainties

o Absolute uncertainty can only have one significant figure.  Round measurements to match.

o Percent uncertainties have one significant figure if ≥2% and two significant figures if <2%

o Always convert all percent uncertainties back to absolute uncertainties in final reporting of data

· Include a graph of your independent vs your dependent variable as set out in your research question

o Include a line or curve of best fit as appropriate (NO dot-to-dot)

o Include vertical error bars based on your propagation (horizontal error bars, too, if appropriate)

o Identify outliers and address them in your evaluation

Interpret your Data:

In paragraph form under the final graph:

· Make sense of your graph – is there a correlation?  A plateau?

· A best fit line is not worth marks on its own – you must interpret it:  Linearly proportional? Exponentially proportional?  Inversely proportional?  Or is there no trend at all?

o Explain how you can determine this relationship from the graph.

Error Analysis:

· Calculate percentage difference from a reliable literature value if you have one (reference this!)

o In the evaluation, comment on the reliability of your literature source for comparison

· Calculate systematic error and state final random error

o You will need to comment on the systematic error in your evaluation