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ECS7022P: Computational Creativity Assignment


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ECS7022P: Computational Creativity Assignment (Resit)

Requirements for the Project

The assignment for the computational creativity module (ECS7022P) involves building and experimenting with an AI-based generative system to create artefacts in a domain of your choice, e.g., images, text, music, game levels, etc. The domain of application, nature of the artefacts, generative method(s) for the artefacts, way(s) in which the artefacts are intended to be used, and how the project addresses any higher level issues of computational creativity are all at your discretion.

Your project will be assessed in terms of (i) the python code of the generative system you write and (ii) a report describing the system, its output, the experimentation you performed and the higher-level computational creativity issue(s) addressed.

You will write the report using a word processor to include the following details, (given with a breakdown of the marks for each section):

1. The domain of application (e.g., visual arts, music, creative language, games, etc). You should give motivations for your choice to work in this domain. (5%)

2. How the generative method works, including details of any neural models that you have trained and/or downloaded to implement the generative process. (15%)

3. The nature of the results obtained. While you won’t be assessed on the quality of the artefacts produced by your generative system, you need to give examples and describe them. (5%)

4. An evaluation in terms of quality and quantity, efficiency and variety of the output produced. Your project will be evaluated in terms of the comprehensiveness of your evaluation, whether or not the evaluation concludes that the outputs from your system are valuable. (10%)

5. A description of the experimentation you performed in order to implement your generative system and/or to evaluate it. (10%)

6. A description of any higher level issues covered during the module (e.g., casual creation, the machine condition, enhancement of human creativity, etc.) that your project was influenced by. (5%)

7. An appendix containing a printout of your Colab notebook, and a link to a public HTML address where the Colab notebook code can be found and run. (50%)

IMPORTANT: This document needs to be exported and submitted as PDF file.

Overall Marking Scheme

The project will be marked with respect to the report describing the project as a whole and the code attached as an appendix. In marking the project, we may open the Colab notebook and run it to generate artefacts and check your code. Overall, the marking scheme is split between these two criteria:

• 50% will be awarded for the quality and comprehensiveness of the report.

• 50% will be awarded for the quality of the python code of your generative system.