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ALY6000: Executive Summary Report 1


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ALY6000: Executive Summary Report 1

Dataset Instructions

Complete the following instructions to create the dataset and output required for the Executive Summary Report in Module 1. The output you create by following these steps must be incorporated into your report. Be sure to save your R script file with the following naming convention:


Append your completed R-Script to the Executive Summary.


To complete this assignment you must create an R script file that includes the code

required to complete the following steps. In parentheses is the page of the R in Action textbook where instructions can be found. If no page number find instructions using a web search.

1.   Print your name at the top of the script

2.   Install the vcd package (pg 19)

3.   Import the vcd library (pg 19)

4.   Plot a sales ~ temp scatter plot using the data below (pg 9):

Sales data: (8,11,15,20,21,11,18,10,6,22)

Temperature data: (69,80,77,84,80,77,87,70,65,90)

5.   Find the mean temperature (pg 9)

6.   Delete the 3rd element from the sales vector

7.   Insert 16 as the 3rd element into the sales vector

8.   Create a vector <names> with elements Tom, Dick, Harry (pg 22)

9.   Create a 5 row and 2 column matrix of 10 integers (pg 23)

10. Create a data frame <icSales> with sales and temp attributes (pg 26)

11. Display the data frame structure of icScales (pgs 28-31)

12. Display a summary of the icScales data frame (pgs 28-31)

13. Import the dataset Student.csv (pgs 34-37)

14. Display only the variable names of the Student.csv dataset