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AcF 351b Career Skills in Accounting and Finance


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AcF 351b Career Skills in Accounting and Finance

Python for Data Analysis

Stream Assignment

1.    Overview

Python for  Data Analysis stream  is designed to  provide  introductory  programming  knowledge to students who  have  no or  little  prior  programming experience. Throughout the ten sessions, this module has covered Python language basics, scientific computing and web scraping packages and introduction to corporate bond markets. The assignment therefore is intended to give students the opportunity  to  practice  on  what  have  learned  from  the  course  and  encourage  students  to  do independent  work  towards  writing  code  scripts  to  download  and  analyze  data  in  the  fields  of accounting and finance.

This  document  sets  out  the  details  of  the  stream  coursework  requirements  along  with  some instructions and tips.

2.    Coursework Submission

o Submission Deadline: 12 pm noon , Monday 16th January, 2023

o Submission Location: online via Moodle

o Submission Documents :

•     Part 1: A Jupyter Notebook named AcF_351b_Python_Stream_Final_Exam_Part_I.ipynb and a Python file named submission_part_I.py. Part 1 primarily assesses the Python coding skills. The Jupyter  Notebook  includes  13  questions.  Five of the  questions  ask you to provide  generic  Python  coding  scripts,  e.g.,  loops  and  conditionals.  The  rest  of  the questions ask you to analyze a dataset and answer questions  regarding WiFi hotspot locations in NYC. Detailed instructions are in the Jupyter Notebook. This part contributes 50% of your coursework assessment.

•     Part 2: A Jupyter Notebook named AcF_351b_Python_Stream_Final_Exam_Part_II.ipynb,   a Python file named submission_part_II.py, and a word file named acf351b_python.docx.   Part 2 assesses the skills of analyzing and interpreting the financial dataset. Part 2 requires   both  Python  coding  skills  and  a  good  understanding  of  bond  markets.  The  Jupyter   Notebook  walks  you  through  a  dataset  of  US  and  UK  corporate  bond  transactions   between Jan 2015 to Dec 2017, and asks you to finish the coding scripts as specified. After   completing the Jupyter Notebook, you are required to analyze the acquired dataset and   answer three short questions regarding British bonds and Brexit. This part contributes 50% of your coursework assessment. Note that answers to short questions that exceed the   maximum word limit will be SEVERELY PENALIZED.

o Deliverables:

•     You will need to submit a zip file containing all your Python codes, Jupyter Notebooks and text documents. For your convenience, we provide a handy script for you.

Simply run

$ bash collect_submission.sh

or if running Microsoft Windows 10


o Surgery sessions/office hours:

•     Week 5-10: Tuesdays, 16:30-17:30


▪    LUMS C46

▪    MS Teams Online (by appointment)

▪    Note: to protect students’ health and wellness, social distancing may be required during office hour time.