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CMPSC 464 Introduction to the Theory of Computation, Spring 2023 Homework 1


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CMPSC 464 Introduction to the  Theory of Computation, Spring 2023

Homework 1

1. Give state diagrams of DFAs recognizing the following languages.  In all parts the alphabet is {0, 1}.

(a)  {w | w has length at least 3 and its third symbol is a 0}

(b)  {w | w doesn’t contain the substring 110}

2. Give state diagrams of NFAs with the specified number of states recognizing each of the following languages. In all parts the alphabet is {0, 1}.

(a) The language {w  | w contains the substring 0101, i.e., w  = x0101y for some x and y} with five states.

(b) The language {w  | w contains an even number of 0s, or contains exactly two 1s} with six states.

3. For any string w = w1w2 . . . wn, the reverse of w, written wR , is the string w in reverse order, wn . . . w2w1 . For any language A, let AR  = {wR  | w ∈ A}. Show that if A is regular, then so is AR .

4. Let

Σ3 = ((「(l)        l(」) )) .

Σ3  contains all size 3 colums of 0s and 1s.  A string of symbols in Σ3  gives three rows of 0s and 1s. Consider each row to be a binary number and let

B = {w ∈ Σ3(*)|the bottom row of w is the sum of the top two rows}.

For example,

l 0(0)   1 l

l 0(1)   0 l

0 l B, but

l 0(0)   1 l

1 l \∈ B .

Show that B  is regular.   (Hint:  Working with BR  is easier.  You may assume the result

claimed in Problem 3.

5. Say that string x is a prefix of string y if a string z exists where xz = y and that x is a proper prefix of y if in addition x  y .  Show that the class of regular languages is closed under the following operation:

NOTPP(A) = {w A|w is not the proper prefix of any string in A}.