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MGM D01 Applied Marketing Models Winter 2023


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Applied Marketing Models

Winter 2023

Course Description:

This course reviews the science side of marketing by studying multiple models used by companies and consulting firms in the different steps of the marketing process. The marketing consulting approach provides a deeper understanding of the process that supports marketing management decisions. This is of benefit not only for students following a marketing consulting path, but also for students joining marketing departments of Canadian firms. To enhance the learning experience the course will be strongly based on software applications that offer hands on exposure to real life corporate applications.

The forces and dynamics of today’s market are making the marketing task more complex and competitive. In this context, a successful marketing plan involves complementing the basic elements of marketing mix, with analyzed data, and appropriate models and simulations incorporated in a consistent and professional way. For students considering a career in marketing, the fundamentals learned in basic marketing courses are not longer enough to excel in the field. Marketing is not only an “art” but also a “science”.

This course complements without major overlapping the courses in the marketing stream

At the end of this course the student will acquire a deep understanding of a wide range of models used in the different steps of the marketing process. By studying, analyzing, and solving a number of case studies students will:

• Gain experience in different models of marketing analysis and how they may enhance the marketing decision process.

• Integrate marketing models with what has been learned from previous marketing courses.

• Learn to apply concepts and models to different marketing situations.

• Develop logical analysis skills and

• Enhance presentation skills.

Textbook/Required Course Materials:

Principles of Marketing Engineering,3rd Edition Lillien, Rangaswamy and De Bruyn Enginius. Cloud based software

Case Package (included in software)

Technical Notes (available at DecisionPro.biz)

Tutorials for software (available at Enginius.biz)

(More information on obtaining text and software will be provided in class)

Recommended Supplementary Reading:

Marketing Analytics: Based on First Principles

Notes on R

Lecture Notes and Other Announcements

To enhance the learning experience the course will be strongly based on actual application of the models covered that offer hands on exposure to real life corporate applications. For each week students must go through the theory  of the  assigned  chapter  and prepare the  case that  involves  the theory  covered  and the related application. Students must submit a  report which highlights the theory learned and its application to analyzing the case

Evaluation and Grading:



Due Date

Class Participation

20 %


Individual Case WriteUps

20 %


Group Case Analysis & Presentation

25 %


Group Project and Presentation

35 %

Last Class

1. Class Discussion (20%)

The purpose of this evaluation component is to ensure that you give to the class as much as you get out of it. You will also be able to practice stating and defending your opinions orally in front of a group of people. Credit will be given only for the quality of contributions that you make in class. Two types of preparation out of class will be useful for you to make quality comments. First, you must carefully read and analyze each case before class. Make handwritten notes to facilitate your contribution to the class discussion, especially regarding the specific questions that I leave with you. Second, you will benefit from reading relevant  chapters  from  a text-book  such that you  are  fully  familiar with the  concepts being discussed in the case. Listening to what others  say is often as important as making your own point. Remember, it is class discussion not just your own participation. Airtime is limited, so don’t talk just for the sake of talking. On the other hand, talking is not easy for some of us for a variety of reasons. This is your  opportunity  to  develop  and  practice  the  assertiveness  and  communication  skills  that  are  a prerequisite to success in business. If you have concerns about speaking out in front of others (which some of us find difficult), you should come and talk to me early on in the course.

To keep track of your contributions, I will make a note of each student’s participation after each class. Although I do not expect everyone to contribute every class, I do expect you to contribute regularly, and when you do not contribute I expect you to be attentive. In order to give you credit for your contributions, I need to know who you are, so be sure to keep your name card in front of you at all times. I encourage you to make yourself known to me by visiting my office briefly for an informal introduction. Please show respect for everyone, and come to class on time.

Reflections: You will also be required to hand in at the beginning of class each week a one paragraph typed description of your learning from the previous class, and your contribution to the class discussion. These paragraphs will help with assessment of your class participation and will form a record of your contribution. Please do not hand in anythingfor the classes that you do not attend.

Remember that class discussion grades will be based on my perception of your contribution to the class. The evaluation would have to be subjective hence you will have to live with my judgment on this. You will get good grades ifyou contribute to the overall learning of the class. If the participation becomes        counterproductive  (or  you just  speak  because  you  want  to  get  noticed  with  nothing  to  add  to  the discussion) you will get negative grades. In any case, to ensure that the discussion is not limited to only a few students, I reserve the right to call upon individual students any time during the class discussion.

2. Individual Case write-ups (20%)

For each week the student must go through the theory of the assigned chapter and prepare the case that involves the theory covered and the related application. The student must submit a case analysis report for the case assigned which should include highlights of the theory covered and its application to the case. The objective of this report is to ensure that the student went through the cha9ter and analysed the case before coming to class.  The write-ups are due at the beginning of each class.

3. Group Case Analysis and Presentation (25%)

The  goal  of the  case presentation  is to  apply the  ideas  or models  in the readings to the  case. Your presentation should be 25-30 minutes in length, plus 5 minutes for questions.  The group presenting will assume the role of a consulting firm” and must use the models to analyze the problem and propose solutions.

To enhance the quality of the presentation you are allowed to reframe the problem without excluding all the questions of the case. The case must be presented not only in a clear and concise manner but also with a professional look and feel. The analysis of the case is expected to incorporate elements and models beyond what is covered in class. Note that for the presentation you cannot just read your group’s written report out loud.

You are required to present not just the case at hand, but also the material from the chapter and readings under discussion in a clear and detailed manner

All  group  members  must participate  in  the presentation.  The presentation  must be  emailed  to  me  in advance (please make sure that you use presentation formats and file sizes that can be easily emailed).

4. Group Project andPresentation (35 %)

You will be analysing a real case for a company/industry of your choosing. As a guide, you should use the cases we are actually using in class. The objective is to examine a specific marketing issue or a problem that the company is facing and gathering appropriate data and using the appropriate model to answer a marketing  question.  The  group  can  focus  on  any marketing  issue  faced by the  company branding strategy, segmentation, pricing, positioning, distribution etc. The key would be to identify a company that you can get information about from primary or secondary sources, and then do a thorough analysis based on that information. You will need to write a 15-20 page (double spaced) case about the company (not including any attachments). You also have to write a suggested solution to the problem in no more than 5- pages  (double-spaced).  As  you  get  familiar  with  the  cases  that  we  discuss  in  class,  you  will  get comfortable with the idea of this project. On the last day of class, the group will present their project to the class in a 10 minute presentation.

1. The project will be done in the groups formed in Class 1

2. Each group should submit a progress report by Class 6. Progress report: a one-page memo with

(1) A brief description of topic;

(2)What you have already completed (research activities already carried out and results obtained);

(3) What you plan to accomplish next.

3. Each group needs to submit the final report by the beginning of the last class. (15 – 20 pages,       tables and figures not included if placed in Appendix)

4. Standard format: double spaced, 1 inch margins, 11 point font.

5. The presentation and report must be emailed to me before the last class. The report must also be handed in hard copy at the beginning of the last class. (please make sure that you use presentation formats and file sizes that can be easily emailed).

6. On the last day of class, the group will present their project to the class in a 10 minute presentation.

Plagiarism Detection

Normally, students will be required to submit their course essays to the University’s plagiarism detection tool for a review   of textual similarity and detection of possible plagiarism. In doing so, students will allow their essays to be included as        source documents in the tool’s reference database, where they will be used solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism.    The terms that apply to the University’s use of this tool are described on the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation web site (https://uoft.me/pdt-faq).

Policy on Missed Assignments/Examinations:

All assignments are due at the start of the appropriate class. Late assignments will NOT be accepted. Please plan to finish them early.

The university has created a new standardized form for students who are requesting special academic consideration based on illness or injury. The form focuses upon the degree of incapacitation that the illness or injury has upon the students     academic functioning and the timeline of that incapacitation, rather than on diagnosis and /or details of the problem. All   students must now have a health professional complete this new form:


Academic Support

UTSC Library:The BRIDGE and the UTSC Library are operating online! We are offering our full suite of programs and services to support students, staff, and faculty in their studies, research projects, and experiential learning initiatives.         Visit The BRIDGE @ Quercus (https://q.utoronto.ca/courses/157077)  to:

-     Participate in virtual events and competitions

-      Get research and data analytics help

-     Access data and academic research tools and tutorials

-      Get support in entrepreneurship and the New Venture Program

-      To learn more about Work Integrated Learning

To find out more about the UTSC Library’s support for students during the University closure, please visit: https://utsc.library.utoronto.ca/ For all other inquiries, please email thebridge@utsc.utoronto.ca or email your Liaison Librarian, Mariana Jardim mariana.jardim@utoronto.ca

Health & Wellness Centre:

The Health & Wellness Centre provides professional and confidential medical, nursing, counselling, health promotion, and education services to all UTSC students. These services are offered in a safe, caring, respectful, and empowering environment that is directed toward optimizing your personal, academic, and overall wellbeing..   To access these services,

please use the following url: https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/hwc/health-wellness-centre and when visiting the Health & Wellness Centre, please bring a valid T-card and Health card.

Academic Advising and Career Centre:

The Academic Advising and Career Centre (AA&CC) at UTSC integrates developmental advising, learning/study skills, career counselling, and employment coaching.  To reach out to them please use the following url:


English Language Development Centre:

The English Language Development Centre (ELDC) helps students develop the critical thinking, vocabulary and academic communication skills essential for achieving academic and professional success. Personalized support includes: RWE (for  academic writing); Communication Cafés (oral); Discussion Skill-Building Cafés; Vocabulary Cafés; seminars/workshops; personal ELD consultations; drop-in sessions. http://ctl.utsc.utoronto.ca/eld/

The Writing Centre:

The Writing Centre (TWC) offers invaluable services to students (learn to become a better writer!) and offers many different kinds of help: drop-in sessions, individual consultations, workshops, clinics, and online writing handouts.


Academic Misconduct

Academic integrity is essential to the pursuit of learning and scholarship in a university.  The University treats cases of cheating and plagiarism very seriously. The University of Toronto’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters


outlines the behaviours that constitute academic dishonesty and the processes for addressing academic offences.  Any         student caught engaging in such activities will be subject to academic discipline ranging from a mark of zero on the            assignment, test or examination to dismissal from the university as outlined in the Code of Behavior on Academic Matters. Any student abetting or otherwise assisting in such misconduct will also be subject to academic penalties.  If you like to     find out more information regarding university advice for How not to plagiarize’, please use the following url:


More generally, the link below includes a lot of useful advice for students on academic writing:


For information and resources on Academic Integrity, visit: https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/vpdean/faq-0

In particular for this course, all your work needs to be original and done by you alone (except the group components for which group members can collaborate with each other and no one else). All the information you need is in each case itself. Any use of the internet is expressly forbidden. Please make your own attempt at the weekly analyses this effort is an essential part of the learning experience. Also, if you find something on the internet related to these cases, it is almost certainly wrong and will not help you get a better grade.