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FIT2902 - Interactive Media Studio 2 2022 Semester 2 ASSIGNMENT 2 PROJECT


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FIT2902 - Interactive Media Studio 2

2022 Semester 2



Watch Lecture 9 for an explanation of this assignment brief.


Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, design and construct a 3-dimensional interactive     audio-visual diorama based on a literary fiction selected at the start of the semester.


/ ˌdaɪəˈrɑːmə/ noun

A scene, often in miniature, reproduced in three dimensions by placing objects, figures, etc., in front of a painted background.

This is an individual assessment task. Your website will be based on the research and pre-production work demonstrated in the Assignment 1 Presentation assessment.


Implement a diorama design concept based on your chosen literary fiction as a simple 3D construction that includes animations and interactions. Interactions must result in    animation of elements in the scene and playback of audio.

The completed web page must implement the following features:

●   3D geometry in user-rotatable 3D space

Controllable sound effects and background audio

Animations that are self-playing and triggered by user interaction

Technical Requirements

This assignment tests your ability to art direct a project with very strict technical constraints. The visual design style must work with the following technical requirements.

You must research, plan, and execute a design that can be implemented using     between 30 and 60 3D faces to create an aesthetically pleasing result. The design should be creative - a simple textured box will not be acceptable.

CSS-based 3D has limitations that you will need to carefully consider during planning:

Each face in a 3D object is a flat rectangular surface

There is no static or dynamic lighting system

A large number of faces require significantly more code

Make use of a full range of HTML and CSS features to enhance your design:

Transparent images to create non-rectangular shapes

Video, GIF, SVG and Rive media to create animated surfaces

Use of transparent images to implement non-rectangular faces

Carefully designed textures to create the illusion of lighting

Constraining the scene's 3D rotation to limit the allowed viewing angles

Interactions can be implemented using any type of browser-based user interaction method. This includes, but is not limited to:

CSS hover and focus selectors

JavaScript mouse and keyboard interactions

JavaScript speech recognition

Interactions must result in movement of faces or group of faces in the 3D object, or animation within faces implemented with any web animation techniques. For example:

CSS transitions and keyframe animations

Animated GIF, SVG or Rive Assets

Video elements

Users must be able to rotate the entire 3D scene to some degree around one or more axes (i.e. you can choose to constrain the rotation to a specific axis or angular range).

This rotation of the 3D scene does not count as an interactive animation.

The scene must also contain audio, with playback triggered by an interaction.

Downloaded audio assets do not need to be edited for this assignment.

Your 3D web project must take into account the following technical considerations:

The website will be tested at desktop resolution of 1920 x 1080px only.

Organise your website files using sub-folders and sensible file naming.

Media assets must use appropriate file formats for use on the web.

Media assets must be appropriately optimised to minimise file sizes.

Downloaded media assets must be referenced, including the title, URL, and licence.

Use of Online Resources

The following requirements apply to all third-party assets that are not your own original work used in the production of your website and website content.

All downloaded visual media must be creatively modified for use in this assignment.

●   Downloaded images, video and audio must be either in the public domain,       licensed as creative commons, or include a permissive licence that specifically allows free commercial use of the asset.

Downloaded media must be referenced, including a title, URL, and licence name.

Web fonts (such as Google Fonts) may be used and must be referenced

All third-party code used in the site must be referenced. This includes:

Third-party code files that you have downloaded or linked to (e.g. jQuery)

Online examples and tutorials (e.g. Codepen, StackOverflow, YouTube)


Submit your assignment as a ZIP file containing your website and documentation.

A folder named "Website"

All files required to view the website, with subfolders for file organisation.

All media assets must be appropriately optimised for web delivery.

A document named "Documentation.pdf"

A list of animations and interactions implemented in each page section.

A list of references for all third-party assets and resources used in the site..

Assessment Criteria

Your submitted assignment will be assessed using the following criteria.

Originality of concept and visual design

Representation of topic and consistent application of visual aesthetic.

3D construction using HTML and CSS techniques

Construction of objects and overall assembly of the 3D scene.

Implementation of interactive functionality

Required scene rotation and user-triggered interactions.

Implementation of animation within scene

Creative and engaging implementation of animations.

Application of media assets

Creative editing and application of assets with appropriate optimisation.

Supporting Documentation

List of animations and interactions, references with identification of licences.