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EC341 International Economics Winter 2022 Terms of Trade


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International Economics

Terms of Trade

Winter 2022

Multiple Choice

1.      Increasing opportunity costs result in a production possibilities frontier that is ___________ to the origin.

A)    convex

B)     concave

C)     linear

D)    horizontal Answer: B

2.      The marginal rate of transformation (MRT) of X for Y refers to:

A)    the amount of X that a nation must give up to produce each additional unit of Y.

B)     the amount of X that consumers are willing to give up to consume each additional unit of Y.

C)     the amount of Y that consumers are willing to give up to consume each additional unit of X.

D)    the amount of Y that a nation must give up to produce each additional unit of X. Answer: D

3.      When countries engage in international trade, specialization tends to be:

A)    complete with constant costs, and complete with increasing costs

B)     incomplete with constant costs and incomplete with increasing costs

C)     incomplete with constant costs and complete with increasing costs

D)    complete with constant costs and incomplete with increasing costs Answer: D

4.      Why do increasing opportunity costs of production occur?

A)    Factors of production are homogeneous

B)     Factors of production are being used in the same fixed proportion

C)     Factors of production are completely adaptable to every use

D)    All factors of production are not equally suited in the production of all commodities Answer: D

5.     Nations will have different production possibilities frontiers because of which characteristic?

A)    differences in consumer preferences

B)     differences in degree of unemployment

C)     differences in factor endowments

D)    differences in community indifference curves Answer: C

6.      The tastes or demand preferences of a nation are given by:

A)    production frontiers

B)     community indifference curves

C)     marginal rate of transformation(MRT)

D)    consumption possibilities curves Answer: B

7.      Community indifference curves are __________________ sloped and _____________ to the origin.

A)    positively, concave

B)     negatively, convex

C)     positively, convex

D)    negatively, concave Answer: B

8.      What is given by the absolute value of the slope of the community indifference curve at the point of consumption and declines as the nation moves down the curve?

A)    marginal rate of substitution (MRS)

B)     marginal rate of transformation (MRT)

C)     marginal rate of return

D)    marginal rate of technical substitution (MRTS) Answer: A

9.      As we consume more of a commodity, a(n) ______________ marginal rate of substitution in consumption is reflected in a ________ community indifference curve.

A)    increasing, convex

B)     declining, convex

C)     increasing, concave

D)    constant, convex Answer: B

10.    A(n) ______________ opportunity cost in production is reflected in a _________ production possibilities frontier.

A)    increasing, convex

B)     declining, concave

C)     increasing, concave

D)    constant, convex

Answer: C

11.    A point of intersection would represent ___________ on two different community indifference curves, which goes against their true definition.

A)     unequal satisfaction

B)     equal satisfaction

C)     equal costs

D)    equal MRS

Answer: B

12.    In autarky a nation maximizes its welfare by choosing a point of production

A)    on its production frontier, where the community indifference curve is tangent to the production frontier

B)     on the production frontier which is on one of the two axes

C)     inside the production frontier

D)    outside the production frontier

Answer: A

13.    Equilibrium occurs where a nation’s community indifference curve is _________________ to its production possibilities frontier.

A)    parallel

B)     perpendicular

C)     tangent

D)    equal

Answer: C

14.    Community indifference curves have how many points of tangency to their constraint?

A)    two

B)     as many as there are trade partners

C)     one

D)    none

Answer: C

15.    Points on lower community indifference curves are possible, but would not maximize_____________. 

A)    the cost of production

B)     the nation’s welfare

C)     the nation’s exports

D)    the nation’s MRS

Answer: B 

16.    In a two-nation world, if Nation A’s export prices increase relative to their import prices, which of the following will occur?

A)    Terms of trade improve for both nations

B)     Terms of trade worsen for Nation A and improve for their trade partner

C)     Terms of trade improve for Nation A and worsen for their trade partner

D)    Terms of trade worsen for both nations Answer: C

17.    International trade and specialization in comparative advantage goods leads to:

A)    job gains in domestic comparative advantage industries and job losses in industries with a comparative disadvantage.

B)    job losses in domestic comparative advantage industries and job gains in industries with a comparative disadvantage.

C)    job gains in domestic comparative advantage industries and job gains in industries with a comparative disadvantage.

D)    job losses in domestic comparative advantage industries and job losses in industries with a comparative disadvantage.

Answer: A

18.    A nation may consume _____________ only with specialization in production and trade.

A)    inside its production frontier

B)     outside its production frontier

C)     on its consumption frontier

D)    tangent to its consumption frontier Answer: B

19.    In the following diagram, if PA represents the relative price that country A can use to carry out trade, then to maximize welfare, country A should






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A)    export 40 units of X and import 20 units of Y

B)     export 13 units of X and import 20 units of Y

C)     export 15 units of X and import 15 units of Y

D)    export 15 units of X and import 20 units of Y

Answer: D


20.    The negative slope of the production frontier implies that a nation or region must give up some of commodity X to get more of commodity Y

Answer: True

21.    The community indifference curve represents the tastes or demand preferences in a nation or region.

Answer: True

22.    The marginal rate of transformation is the amount of one commodity that a nation or region must give up to produce each additional unit of another commodity.

Answer: True

23.    A nation is in disequilibrium if it consumes on the highest indifference curve possible given its production frontier.

Answer: False

24.    A nation that has many trading partners is said to be in a state of autarky. Answer: False


25.    If two countries have identical production frontiers but different community indifference curves, is trade possible between such countries. Draw diagrams to explain your answer.

Answer: In the following two diagrams we see that country A and B has identical Production Possibilities. However, when we look at the community indifference curves we see that these curves shows a bias towards the consumption of Y in country A while a bias towards the consumption of X in country B. These biases in the community indifference curves can create a  basis for trade as has been reflected in the two diagrams. We see that because of the consumption biases, in country A the relative price of X, PA is less than the relative price of X, PB in country   B. Since PA<PB we find that country A has a comparative advantage in the production of X while country B will have the comparative advantage in the production of B.



Country A


Country B