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EFIM10015 Introduction to Management 2023


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January 2023


Introduction to Management

Question 1

A dramatic change in management style has clearly occurred at Semco: draw on theory to  understand and evaluate the changes that have been made.  Please use evidence from the Semco case study to support your argument. Total 50 marks

Question 2

Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) was very successful until their failure in 2008. Drawing on evidence from the RBS case study, evaluate how RBS was managed in this period, and how this might have contributed to their failure. Discuss whether their failure could have been prevented. Total 50 marks

Question 3

Discuss why managerial decision-making might not follow a rational approach. Evaluate whether this is a problem. Illustrate your answer by drawing on the TLA case study. Total 50 marks

Question 4

Walton suggests that there are benefits to moving “from control to commitment in the workplace” (1985: 77). Evaluate the success of this approach to management in the British Airways (BA) case study. Total 50 marks